Recent content by GaStrongman

  1. G

    HCG question CC/IU bac water mixing.

    That makes sense. I'll try it that way next cycle. Thanks for the input, it is greatly appreciated.
  2. G

    HCG question CC/IU bac water mixing.

    I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I intended on using the entire 5000iu. I was under the impression that mixing 1:1 would give me 100iu for every 0.1cc in the insulin syringe. So that's how I mixed it. What I believe was 5cc of bac water and a 5cc bottle with the hcg powder in it. 3...
  3. G

    HCG question CC/IU bac water mixing.

    *********NO SOURCE TALK*****The bottle says 5000 on it where I would assume they would put the amount of IU at. The bottle itself is half the size of a 10cc test vial. It comes with an ampule of bac water to mix. I mixed the bac water the way some doctors showed to do it on YouTube...the whole...
  4. G

    opinions on a 6 week cycle

    Careful where you put that on the may start world war 3 lol
  5. G

    opinions on a 6 week cycle

    Strongman, not powerlifting lol.
  6. G

    opinions on a 6 week cycle

    I just found out that I qualified for an event that I hadn't intended on going to so I haven't prepped for it. By the time I get all the gear and pct on hand ill have just over 6 weeks before comp day. Ill be in HW or SHW so weight is not an issue, simply looking to gain as much strength in 6...
  7. G

    How to on Lab/Source Checks???

    I have already "manned up" and purchased some test. The Brand is Taurus. I just thought I'd ask if it's made anyone's shit rot and fall off before I shot it in my leg. A $100 loss isn't shit to me but I'd like to avoid treating an infection 3 weeks out from a competition if possible.
  8. G

    How to on Lab/Source Checks???

    I'm not looking for a source...I have a one with products I trust...however, another local has another brand that's more readily available...I just don't know much about the brand so I wanted to know if anyone here has heard of them and what they think about them...the only reason I included the...
  9. G

    How to on Lab/Source Checks???

    I read the rules sticky before posting this because every board has their own respective rules on source and lab discussions. The link for how to do a source check sends me to a page that says I don't have access....I have a question on the quality of a lab that I can find no info from recent...
  10. G

    First tren/deca/test cycle

    I'm not recommending he run tren...he has decided to run tren on his own volition. He's set on doing it so I figure its better to help him do it properly than repeat the robotic anti-tren response and let him run it wrong and have his balls shrivel up into raisins.
  11. G

    First tren/deca/test cycle

    Awesome. Thanks guys...I use the RUI liquid prami so that will probably be what he ends up with.
  12. G

    New to this forum so here's an intro

    Thought I'd drop an intro since I just came across this section of the forum. Just another strongman junkie from Georgia repping team no abs over here. Lol
  13. G

    First tren/deca/test cycle

    That is exactly what we're trying to accomplish. The gear is left from a promotion I got and I have plenty of arimidex that I am giving him with it. The only pieces left are the hcg, clomi do, and Torem. The gear is a mix from a very reputable lab...I won't mention the name because I'm new to...
  14. G

    First tren/deca/test cycle

    The gear is a mix from is already on hand as is the arimidex that I forgot to include in the post. The dose is 200/200/100 per cc. So the test will always be half of the other two. If the taper is pointless then I suppose the only remaining question is the cycle duration being...
  15. G

    First tren/deca/test cycle

    Also looking at adding hcg during the cycle...ive seen people saying to run it thru the entire cycle and then people saying just to bring it in at the end...and the dosages they are recommending are inconsistent as is the case with most of the bro science posts you find about these...