Recent content by gdawg71

  1. gdawg71

    I guess I'm going to try my own power restart...have no idea at what I'm doing

    Man usually the stories are how someone in going to conquer the world not I'm worse. I cruise . I am not on prescribed TRT but my dose is low probably similar . I actually feel better on my cruise dose than on full blast . I have done the power blast with success . The problem is in your state...
  2. gdawg71

    5 mg real Cialis good enough ??

    Joz Those robocock pills you represent are rediculous . I took 10mg 2 days in a row and was still affected well into the next week . I like it on the weekends usually 5 Friday and 5 Saturday . They are great . Going on vacation tonight and already quartered a few up. Haha
  3. gdawg71

    Another 3J's Client Here....

    Man when you get a list and start eating like a machine you'll save . I decided hire J because I ran a bulk and ended up the same weight as when I started so basically blew 750 on gear . Looking At it like that can you afford not to.
  4. gdawg71

    Gdawg and my rise with 3J

    Thanks man . Time to shift gears and shred down .
  5. gdawg71

    3J's diet review and Pct shop review with pics!

    Even more awesome haha.
  6. gdawg71

    3J's diet review and Pct shop review with pics!

    Dude ... F ing awesome. Man I only hope to get somewhere remotely close to your shape . Damn fine job.
  7. gdawg71

    Gdawg and my rise with 3J

    I appreciate that bud. I'm eating now haha.
  8. gdawg71

    Been extremely to long off the forum

    I've used tb500 for joint issues . I found the loading dose to help but when I backed down to maintenance not so much .
  9. gdawg71

    Gdawg and my rise with 3J

    I have always considered myself a fit person and worked out most of my life . In my late 30's into my 40's I just gave up on being healthy. Finally one day I decided I couldn't take it anymore and decided I needed to make a change . I started working out , really liked it and got back in the...
  10. gdawg71

    Been extremely to long off the forum

    Welcome back . Good luck dude and awesome progress with the 30 lb drop . 3J puts a boot in my ass to . Haha
  11. gdawg71

    Some more progress pics .. mental battles

    Awesome job dude , the quads are sick
  12. gdawg71

    another clients b&a pic! summer ready!

    Man Thanks for the confidence . I hope I'm worthy when we're done. What am I saying I'm never done . Already planning winter .Haha
  13. gdawg71

    another clients b&a pic! summer ready!

    Wow ma'am damn fine job . Nice work J .
  14. gdawg71

    3Js Nutrition Network July Ology Specials!

    Thanks bud . Thanks a million.
  15. gdawg71

    3Js Nutrition Network July Ology Specials!

    I figured I would throw this in . I never cracked 200 until about a year ago . I wanted more . J has pushed me and pushed me . He said he wanted 230 and I said there was no F ing way . He believed in me, gave encouragement where needed and when I wanted to throw in the towel put a boot in my...