Recent content by godfather

  1. G

    hulker turns scammer

    WTF ever happened to the almighty, did he get the shit beat out of him at graduation?
  2. G

    Anavar or Winny, cost,results,& sides

    Isn't BDL coming out with a liquid var?
  3. G

    Injectable 1-Test Cypionate & 4-Test Cypionate now sold OTC!?!

    WTF? is this legal or is it a joke? I dont think they are allowed to sell injectables, and you are better off sticking to the real thing.
  4. G

    Which Eq ? QV or BDL

    From what i have heard BDL is good shit, its made for humans in an underground lab in canada. Has anyone heard anything negative about BDL, i thought they were top notch? Im running their enan at 1g a week now, been 2 weeks and can't report anything yet.
  5. G

    Methyltestosterone = Methandrostenolone?

    its often in fake russian dbol.
  6. G

    Foods to boost the metabolism

    High GI carbs will also speed up your metabolism if you have been undereating for a period of time, hence the "refeed" concept.
  7. G

    Best Thermogenic while on CKD diet

    Good old EC stack, i take a vasparo and no-doz 4x a day. Nicotine is also good, keeps dopamine up which raises metabolism.