Recent content by godfather93x

  1. G

    going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice

    thank you for the welcome. do you have any advice you think about my situation?
  2. G

    going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice

    I have not tried tb500 but I would like to try it at some point. How do you verify the vendor is selling you a legitamate product and not ripping you off?
  3. G

    going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice

    right, i can understand your perspective. But i'm already going on trt in december to compensate for naturally lower testosterone. i figured id start with a blast. i wouldnt be jumping back into any heavy weights as I know my limitations much more than i ever did before actually. I'd just go...
  4. G

    going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice

    I wouldn't be looking to use AAS to heal the damaged connective tissue. I'd just be using it to compensate for all the lost time I had. I do not want to work my heart out again for 5 years to get back to my former self. Plus I'm going on TRT already anyways as I naturally have lower testosterone...
  5. G

    going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice

    hello, I am coming from a bit of different circumstances than most. I am currently 22 yrs old and have almost made a strong recovery from a massive series of injuries / surgeries from an autoaccident i endured. before this auto accident i was very into weight training and was over 200 lbs at...