Recent content by Gunrunner69

  1. Gunrunner69

    T3 for the 1st time.. lethargy is brutal!

    Are you taking any other Fat Burners? I found that usually those are the culprits for lethargy. For example DNP is the strongest fat burner and it just totally wipes people out. Also, how are your carbs and using any GDAs? Those can effect it also. For Females I always start them at 12.5mcg...
  2. Gunrunner69

    Primo only cycle 12 weeks

    Running a cycle without Test is great for keeping estrogen, acne, water retention and gyno down. Right now I'm running Tren, Mast, NPP for a contest prep and loving it with no AIs or bloat. I'm looking at a similar cycle as yours for later on for my lean bulk phase. I will rely mostly on...
  3. Gunrunner69

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    From one over 50 Masters to another, great job and thanks for sharing your log.
  4. Gunrunner69

    cycling for a beginner is my thought

    Ok, so blood work looks good. What are your cycle, diet and training plans?
  5. Gunrunner69

    Cheap e2 lab promo? Or different site

    As stated earlier use PrivateMDlabs. The Estradiol with the 15% discount is $43.34. Use discount code RHINO anytime for the 15%. Also the code RHINO will help a fellow bodybuilder out. This is not a reliable test when using Tren as the testing method can show a false high reading.
  6. Gunrunner69

    proviron during test cycle? during pct?

    Proviron: Helps free up test. Increases sex drive. Very mild Anti-Estrogenic properties. An it helps harden while very lean. Other positive are that it is cheap, easy to get and very easy on the liver and cholesterol. It is mildly suppressive so should be avoided during PCT. With that being...
  7. Gunrunner69

    what cycle can i run ? advice needed

    Test and NPP or Test and Eq are great for gaining size. How did you respond to your last cycles?
  8. Gunrunner69

    Gen-Shi bloodwork Results 300mg/wk

    If you want to get the peak then you should take a 300mg shot and get bloodwork done 3 days after. Everyone reacts differently and this is not out of the ordinary. Maybe a little low for the average but it can easily happen. As for me 100mg will peak me out at around 1000ng/dl. What were...
  9. Gunrunner69

    Summer cutting without stuff: is it convenient?

    Personally, I would do it the other way around. I would bulk/clean gain naturally and then cycle to cut up. When in a caloric surplus of good, quality food, you are putting your body in a naturally anabolic state. It's when one switches to a deficit that the risk of losing muscle is greatest...
  10. Gunrunner69

    Who are our members over 60 years of age

    Hey OMMike, Well, I'm only 52 and been cycling on and off since 1983. Oddly enough I was only unhealthy when I was off cycle and not training and let my weight balloon up. After getting back into BB and cycling, I lost a lot of the fat and got off all meds except my self prescribed ones:)...
  11. Gunrunner69

    Bodybuilders dying young, what's your take on it??

    When I first started with this madness back in the 80s I was given 10 ampules of test and told to use one each week. I ate and trained like crazy and made the best gains of my life. That's on one CC a week for 10 weeks. That's it. Today, beginners are told to do at least 600mgs of test...
  12. Gunrunner69

    deca/winny or tren/deca?????

    Since it's for powerlifting I would: Not use Winnie as it drys the joints out and causes pain and asking for injury while training heavy. Test is always in the cycle. Deca or Tren, not both. If a longer cycle then use Deca. If short use either Tren or NPP (short ester Nandralone/Deca). Deca...
  13. Gunrunner69

    Women and HGH for fat loss

    I have helped women use both HGH and Anavar and usually don't recommend much more than these two substances for women. With both of these and any AAS/PED you should start low to see how your body reacts to it and then build up. I would use the HGH only first. Start at 1IU a day in the AM. Be...
  14. Gunrunner69

    11% BF, considering Albuterol+Ketotifen and I have questions!

    Have you considered an AAS cycle while going on a very strict diet?
  15. Gunrunner69

    Can i start with cycle?

    This looks like a good first cycle EXCEPT, don't do the d-bol for your first cycle. Save it for your second. Just use the Test and see how your body responds and if you have any issues. What you have outlined here with the D-Bol would be good for your second cycle, assuming you have no...