Recent content by gymsoldier

  1. G

    Real or Fake Organon Sus 250??

    I think their fake. The X in the EXP printed on the amp doesn't look right. Have you opened one yet, fakes I've seen have been extremely hard to snap.
  2. G

    HCG too late?

    I've started my Test-E cycle May 16th @ 500mg/wk. I will only be acquiring HCG now on June 29th. My 10 week cycle will end on July 22th, with PCT to start August 5th. I'm getting 10,000IU of HCG, how will I dose it for the remainder of my cycle?
  3. G

    First timer

    Update: Gear is G2G, although seems not to be legitimate Eurochem brand. Product also seems to be under dosed. Gains coming on slow and steady though.
  4. G

    Is this Test E real?

    And this is why I am still a rookie lol
  5. G

    Is this Test E real?

    Now I'm no guru, but I have heard that you should stand all the amps up beside each other and check they have the exact same amount in each one. Eg. the oil is the same level across all of them.
  6. G

    26 and only 115lbs!

  7. G

    First timer

    The one with the trademark neck is the correct height, but holds the hologram on the wrong side of the label according to pictures I've seen, so its all very confusing. I'm alternating shots from each vial. Will come back in a couple of weeks with a progress report. Thanks for the help man.
  8. G

    First timer

    Yeah the two are different sizes, quality of vial is good and not flawed. Looking at my Anabolics 2006 book, the hologram is the same as in the pic. I can only hope to think that the vials are post 2011 when EC changed their vial height and holograms. I'm pinning it at the moment, two shots in...
  9. G

    First timer

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could find out any more information. I have my doubts about them, but also think they could possibly be an older version of EC. Does fake necessarily mean bad? Do fakes sometimes get the job done as well?
  10. G

    First timer

    What's your call on these?
  11. G

    First Cycle Critique

    I've adjusted my post cycle therapy (pct) accordingly with Tamoxifen at 40/40/20/20, and Clomid at 50mg ED. My question is, would there be any extra benefit from running Clomid for 6 weeks at 50mg ED as opposed to 4 weeks 50mg ED?
  12. G

    First Cycle Critique

    Once every four days. Eg. Wed, Sun, Thurs etc.
  13. G

    First Cycle Critique

    Bump post #7
  14. G

    First Cycle Critique

    Do I heat it up to slightly warm, or kinda hot? The reason I added Winstrol (winny) was actually to dry out a bit at the end of the cycle. So just to confirm, bad idea? I will change my PCT accordingly, I was anxious about post cycle estrogenic sides. I was unable to get my hands on any...
  15. G

    First Cycle Critique

    Hi all, looking for some critique on this first cycle that I started yesterday (16th May). If you feel the cycle should be changed, can you give reasons why, as this is all a learning experience for me. I'm 25 years old, 26 in less than three months. Previous cycle history is two PH cycles ...