Recent content by hadz69

  1. H

    cyp cycle

    Hi guys (& girls). Awesome site, firstly! Registered on it a few years back but realised just how far in over my head i was, so decided to stop all thoughts of aas use! Well, im back with a bit more knowledge & needing advice from whoever can give it. Im about to do my 1st cycle. Its going...
  2. H


    dude, are u stupid??
  3. H

    XXX Forum

    bump me up bud
  4. H

    XXX Forum

    bump me up cuz...
  5. H

    obvious jabber?!

    hey bro, thanx for tha advice. what is your take on equipoise alone tho? or do you HAVE to stack it with a bulker such as Sustanon (sust) 250 or anadrol?
  6. H

    obvious jabber?!

    hey guys, im looking for an expert's advice! i'm 22, 1.78m tall, weigh 74kg with a body fat percentage of 18% my goal weight is 85kg. i have been workin out now for 2 years. i have done a little bit of research on AS and of all the ones ive read up on ( deca; durabolin; anadrol;winstrol...
  7. H

    Another GREAT must read for Newbies!

    hi. I'm new to all this. Been workin out for 2 years and not lookin too bad. i'm thinkin of going on something to 'help me out' a little. but something with not too much water retention or potential liver damage. also something thats not gonna make it look obvious that i have been juicing...