Recent content by happysumo

  1. H

    20% Store-Wide SALE! Also, 3-8pm cst each day a different product 40% off!

    24mg/day is what i go up wonders. Tamox is the one product that I stock up on when there's a great sale like this.
  2. H

    25% OFF ALL PEPTIDES for a limited time at!!!

    Sweet....I'm so glad i saw this!
  3. H

    S4 who's used it.

    There are a couple SARMs S4 logs at ar. they are actually really good reads. I'd like to start a cycle of S4, but i want to be guaranteed that what i get is legit, for every good read out there, there is someone complaining about fakes...
  4. H

    Researchology Clen Problem

    This has happened to me once before with clen. I can't exactly remember if i sent a pm or an email, but i let lion know and hey let me keep the clumpy clen, sent me a new bottle of clen and sent me a free bottle of cialis for the troubles. (which, by the way, i am a huge fan of his cialis)...
  5. H

    Ordering Cialis

    i've never had a problem with them. Lion is a stand-up guy. Send hima Pm if you have any question, etc.
  6. H

    Albuterol, anyone?

    Hey looks great, lion..btw thats for the hella fast shippiment
  7. H

    'ology back up

    just noticed ology is back up!! hell yes, its about time too i need nolva quickly.
  8. H

    Post cycle therapy (pct) shelf life?

    I was told (straight from the lion's mouth) that it should last 1-2 years if kept in a cooler dakr place
  9. H

    1st time clen user, specific dosage?

    i ran lion's clen at 40/60/80/80/100/100/120/120/100/100/80/80/60/40. Two weeks on/twoo weeks off. I just finished up my second two week cycle of it. Loved every second of it. From everythng i read, and now from experince, it seems preferred to run it as a ladder cycle. Just be sure to...
  10. H


    Bump for lion..
  11. H

    It's cutting time!!!

    BIG BUMP for a t3/clen sale!! Although, i might not be able to wait around for lake powell trip is as of today a month away....
  12. H

    Better start tanning now....
  13. H

    Exemestane aka: Aromasin

    hell yes, i am a fan of aromasin