Recent content by HydroFire

  1. H

    who here swears by letro for on cycle protection POLL

    I agree. Thanks dude. My last estro was 152 down from 173 with 60 mg aromasin. No AAS.
  2. H

    who here swears by letro for on cycle protection POLL

    Dude im not on gear, I have stayed away from it. as my other threads stated no ass this is natural high estro had all test done evrything negative and labs multiple times come back normal exceot for high estro and mid rang low testo. I was offered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but am...
  3. H

    who here swears by letro for on cycle protection POLL

    Who here swears to letro as the only thing that works for them on cycle protection? I know adex or asin most ppl love and works great for them< I am not one of those ppl, I hate that adex or asin pharma grade wont control estro for me on even low dose test. Please chime in with letro...
  4. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    It's crazy 4 times. That's why dr put me on a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) finally. I don't have gyno now. I just want to make sure it's never ever come back. So would script letro work better for me then aromasin as lab still sometimes show high estro on aromasin only.
  5. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    I've had gyno surgery 4 times in 4 yrs. no aas use That's why I need letro users advice.
  6. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    100% not self prescribing. I just want to know if dr offers letro if I will do better on it that's all. Or if aromasin isn't working will anything work for me.
  7. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    I hear ya man. But for some reason it's not effective on me. This I've been on script pharma grad for 4 months and still have high estro Some of my labs show low estro then re check and high estro. The poss off thing is I'm on no ass and I prescribed 25 mg x 2 per day.
  8. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    Has anyone here ran adex and or aromasin and still Had high estro?
  9. H

    Of letro is the only thing strong enough for u please help and chime in

    Long story short. I have had gyno probs since puberty , finally got script for aromasin Just running that daily as I have natural high estro. No aas. Labs show at times high estro still. Almost like aromasin either doesn't work for me of cant pass through fat membran. Tried adex of up to...
  10. H

    Aromasin absorbtion 40% better taken after high fat meal?

    Has anyone found that aromasin wasn't as strong as they where hoping? My question is does anyone find that by eating a high fat meal then taking their Aromasin dose they fell like it is working better at keeping e2 down? It does state this on the Phizer instructions that come in the pill box.
  11. H

    Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

    my prob for a few years is that I have high e2. Im 28 been on Aromasin at 50 mg 7am then 6pm 25mg each dose to try and lower my e2. Its gone down from 174 to 153 (sacle 65-153) still at the top end. I have had gyno surg a few times. Dr wants to start my on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)...
  12. H

    Cashout and other testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) pro please help 28yr old natural high E2 dr wonts me on trt

    Cashout and other trt pro please help 28yr old natural high E2 dr wonts me on trt Got blood work back at the dr office he said all levels are fine except lower end T and Higher end E2 wich would explain my Estrogen Dominence. Fatigue, memery fog, shoft erections etcss I have been on an...
  13. H

    We're Back! Sale Extended! Get in here!

    whats the coupon code
  14. H

    Greatwhite Aromasin chime in

    Hey Juice ya im also in ontario. so RUI? I need it to be pure aromasin and not adex or nolva labeled aromasin.