Recent content by icejosh

  1. I

    My TRT success story...finally.

    One thing that may help those who have had a roller coaster journey and have managed to get dialed in but still puzzled by ED. For the times where your E2 has gone fairly high this may of lead to your prolactin levels to rise to a level that could effect your quality of erections, although your...
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    Sending Blood from the UK to US Labs

    I live in Ireland, And although our TRT treatment is as backward thinking as the UK the bloods run from the GP are very cheap. We do pay for GP visits but my bloods run by the nurse are €20, I get the results within a week and get a printed copy for myself. Now i let her know what bloods i want...
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    Compound Testosterone Cream

    sorry yes my mistake in the UK the results come back in pmol/l. Yes im running 0.25mg E3D, Also HCG at 500iu twice weekly. My test was a regular Estradiol test, I understand that a rule of thumb would be to minus 10-20 of the regular test to get a more accurate E2 result, would this be 10-20...
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    Compound Testosterone Cream

    I can say from experience that gels in the long run are the wrong choice for anyone. Im in the UK and was given a prescription for Testagel 5g 30 sachets £55. After just 3 weeks my e2 was at 95pg/ml (it was 41 when I started) I was taking 0.5mg adex EOD but could not gauge it right at all as...
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    Anavar, t3, winny stack. I need advice

    Vjay jay....pmsl. Its a UK thing, but thanks just spat cottage cheese at the dog, quoting that on here:-)
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    250mg test e per 1ml splitting dose

    Thanks again Megatron, as always your knowledge is gold dust mate. I do have Adex as im currently on gels and as you have said in the past the aromatization from them is just way over the top. Will be getting Aromasin as the headaches and dry skin from adex is getting to much,(no joint pain.) Im...
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    250mg test e per 1ml splitting dose

    finaly got injectable test e, after what i would say 8 wks of hell being on testogels. Gp would only offer 12weekly nebido doses. So sourced my own test E, These are in 1ml vials at 250mg per vial. The thing is i want to run with 160mg pw for at least 8 wks and check bloods. So how would i...
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    Lab results pre and during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) yet no diagnosis from GP's

    Lab results pre and during TRT yet no diagnosis from GP's I have posted a bit recently, However today I got a copy of my bloods done before testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I have yet never been given a diagnosis from GP's, I'm in the UK. The Endo said nothing is wrong despite symptoms I...
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    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy in the UK or trip to the US

    Hoodlum I need some help from you if you could spare the time could you mail me
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    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Hoodlum just hijacking this thread but need to run something by you, get me on
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    question on lab ranges for estradial

    No adex in tab form, Im on Testogel hence the stupidly high E2. In the UK its Testogel or 10weekly Nebido. So after these bloods im trying to source Test Cyp to self manage my own protocol, Which is against any Docs advice here, But its my health and they are so backwards here (No offer or...
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    question on lab ranges for estradial

    Many thanks 71Avido, very helpful.
  13. I

    Estradiol lab range question

    Apologies ive posted the same question twice. Wifi went down (Not just the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) care is crap over here.) I wasn't sure if the 1st went through.
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    Estradiol lab range question

    Here in the UK the test for Estrodiol states Oestrodiol with a range of 28-156 pmol/L Yet in the US the test as far as i'm aware is Estrodiol with a range of 7.6-42.6, Many aim for the mid 20's for an ideal level. With this could anyone give me an idea what level would I be looking for on the...
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    question on lab ranges for estradial

    Here in the UK the test for Estrogen comes back as Oestradiol with a range of 28 - 156 pmol/L I know in the states it is Estradiol with a range of 7.6 - 42.6. And a lot aim for around the mid 20's as an ideal level. Question is does anyone know of a conversion scale for the UK ranges for me to...