Recent content by jkhobson

  1. J

    What do you guys think of this Sciroxx gear?

    Those look g2g. I'm currently using their stuff. From what I understand the gold label is old stock and the reflective label is new.
  2. J


    Running it right now. A little soreness at the depot by itself. I've been mixing with some test 250 just to dilute it. Good gear though!
  3. J

    Cycle opinions please...

    Just wanting some experienced opinions on my next cycle. Me: 5'10", 203lb, approx 10% bf Cycle: Hexodex 450+test enanthate = Total of 700mg/week Trenodex 250 = 500mg/week Goal: Add solid muscle and burn off some fat. I will be cycling T3 and Albuterol with this to aid in the fat loss. Not...
  4. J

    Tren Test stack for lean bulking. Any additions that would work well here?

    5'10", 205lb, 6%bf, third tren/test cycle all with good results. Just wondering if there were anything else to complement this stack. Thanks in advance. Jeff
  5. J

    Liquid Albuteral

    No need to refrigerate clen or albuterol. Just keep at room temps (65-75). Not sure about the Melanotan.
  6. J

    My Z Experience!

    Used Naps and Z. Both good products IMO but customer service has been best with Z.
  7. J

    My 6th cycle. Is Test-E/Tren-A a good cycle for lean muscle gains?

    I've had excellent lean mass results from Test E/Tren E cycles. No water retention. I usually run 12 weeks test @1g/week, 8 weeks tren @500mg/week, and post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid. I'm not trying to get huge so this combination has been perfect for me. 5'10", 203#, 8%bf.
  8. J

    Difference in running 500mg test to 1000mg?

    Thats dependent on you. Blood tests are thew best way of knowing what a proper dosage would be for each individual. Many factors effect dosage starting with your own natural test production. I am naturally low so I usually end up running around a gram/week on cycle and 150mg/week off cycle for...
  9. J

    Naps order question

    Creeping up on 30 days for me. My first order as well.