Recent content by Jonnie187

  1. Jonnie187

    D-Bol for running a race.....................

    Get huge and run a race!!! lol
  2. Jonnie187

    D-Bol for running a race.....................

    OOH You mean magic??? lol
  3. Jonnie187

    When to take Dianabol (waking up at 7:30 AM)

    From my understanding you to use d-bol for a short burst. To kick start your cycle. The half life of d-bol is 3-4 hours. So if you were to maintain stable blood levels you would be dosing all day. I like the almost instant strength that comes from d-bol, I have never tried to maintain stable...
  4. Jonnie187

    D-Bol for running a race.....................

    Does anyone think some EQ would help with the endurance part? Maybe some acetate?
  5. Jonnie187

    When to take Dianabol (waking up at 7:30 AM)

    Yes it is better to take it pre workout IMO. I have had some awesome pumps and strength gains from d-bol. Run it for 4 weeks and make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in place as well !!
  6. Jonnie187

    Cialis: The amazing drug and all its benefits - For On or Off cycle use.

    I love me some Cialis.. Between the Cialis and some good TNE the pumps are unreal, not to mention the awesome marathon sex!!
  7. Jonnie187

    what do you think of this ?

    Exactly brother!! Test is the base of every cycle. You are shutting yourself down with the orals and your body is trying to compensate with the aas your introducing into your system. You need some test brother!!!
  8. Jonnie187

    what do you think of this ?

    ^^^^ This big time? Why are you taking anadrol or dbol by itself?
  9. Jonnie187

    sus 250 first time

    I got an idea!! How about you train hard for a year and don't "diet a lil dirty" add some mass to you frame and then use aas as a tool not as a way to cheat. aas is not magic you still have to train hard and eat right or you will be wasting time and money bro.
  10. Jonnie187

    This is my first "Big Boy" Cycle Test/Tren

    I personally have found a new love. Npp is a great compound. Awesome gains, short ester get in for 8 weeks, get out. Doesn't hang in the body like decca. Still a 19 nor and gives all the benefits of decca.
  11. Jonnie187

    Bottles with no labels ??

    Sounds to me like your doubting your source a little there boss. I personally would never use any gear that I wasn't 100% sure of quality and sterility. Some of those infections can be really nasty....
  12. Jonnie187

    My little transformation over the last couple years!!

    Yup that's very mild. More is not always better. Gear is not magic that's for sure. Your diet is on point and you have worked your ass off. Good Job brother!!!!
  13. Jonnie187

    My little transformation over the last couple years!!

    Good work brother!! Whats your cycle history like?
  14. Jonnie187

    Help on Anavar (var) dosage!!

    No sir never have.. I have noticed some really good strength increases at the end of the cycle though.