Recent content by JOWS7

  1. J

    ZRT v Labcorp - The results are in.

    Check the assay methods for E2. Was the ZRT performed by mass spectrometry? Look for something like LS/MS. Anyway, mass spectrometry is the most accurate method for determining serum counts. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a "sensitive" assay that should be preferred rather a mass...
  2. J

    Been back on the Androgel, but no libido

    When did you start taking Welbutrin and at when did you start exhibiting symptoms of low libido - before or after? Why are you on Welbutrin too? I am on TRT - tried shots and gels - with no luck so far in restoring my libido. I am on Lexapro and I'm hoping it comes back if I stop the SSRI.
  3. J

    What are the symptoms of low DHT?

    When I was on shots my DHT levels were low - 28 (Range: 30-85). Now that I am on Axiron my levels jumped to 76. However, I saw no benefit from it personally. My doctor believes the Lexapro is negating the effects on libido from TRT.
  4. J

    Been back on the Androgel, but no libido

    Could you give a complete history with labs and a list of medications/supplements you are on or have been on in the past? Ever been on an anti-depressant?
  5. J

    Low DHT your thoughts on this please

    I was on testosterone cypionate and while my total and free testosterone was dialed in, I was flagged low in DHT - 28 (range: 30 - 85). I recently just switched to Axiron to see if the higher DHT conversion would bring back my libido but it hasn't. Last lab showed a value of 76 with a...
  6. J

    Another Doctor that thinks high E2 isn't bad!

    This is why I'm so hard on some guys. I found out I had low testosterone about 4 years ago now and I've learned that my assumptions on what lab values are have always been wrong. Initially, when I started shots, I was thinking to myself, "This dose is too low for me. I don't feel anything. I...
  7. J

    Another Doctor that thinks high E2 isn't bad!

    Then yes, 182pg/mL IS too high. Any breast tenderness or nipple sensitivities?
  8. J

    Another Doctor that thinks high E2 isn't bad!

    It truly depends on the type of assay that was performed. Some use a reference range of 7.6-42.6pg/mL while others a range of 3-70pg/mL. Also, different type of assays report false highs for estradiol. A study - cannot find link but will update when I find it - found that assays using liquid...
  9. J

    The Testosterone Lies - IncreaseMyT

    Maybe you are missing my point. Yes, the use of antidepressants may increase prolactin levels but you two are so sure this is the sole reason for Apollon's father's state of hypogonadism. At age 58 his levels were fine and close to a decade later, his levels dropped - you cannot state...
  10. J

    Another Doctor that thinks high E2 isn't bad!

    182pmol/L is a normal level whereas 182pg/mL is too high. It's important to use units with the lab values. I don't want to sound redundant but just double check to make sure. Good Luck!
  11. J

    Another Doctor that thinks high E2 isn't bad!

    182?? Is that in pmol/L or pg/mL?
  12. J

    The Testosterone Lies - IncreaseMyT

    You can take it for what it's worth but keep in mind, there are no studies that show antidepressants directly lowers testosterone levels. Having said that, your evidence stems from your father's levels which dropped within eight years. Do you see a flaw in your reasoning? Sounds like natural...
  13. J

    Hindsight is always 20/20

    Read this. It will be a great start as it will give you some information and it will be a reputable source to show your doctor if something doesn't jive with you.
  14. J

    The Testosterone Lies - IncreaseMyT

    Testosterone Levels and Sexual Function Disorders in Depressive Female Patients: Effects of Antidepressant Treatment. Introduction Women suffer from depression more frequently than men, which indicates that sex hormones might be involved in the etiology of this disease. Aims The purpose of...