Recent content by Juice4Brains

  1. J

    Anyone care to help out a lost 27 year old with fucked up life?

    I was gonna say a lot of things since I'm in a somewhat similar situation right now as you OP, but its probably pointless to compare notes unless you wanna PM me then I'd be glad to go into detail. Anyhow onto the juice, if you are not willing to possibly end up shooting test for the rest of...
  2. J

    Anyone Ever hear of oxytocin?????

    What does this stuff do? What are the uses?
  3. J

    First time with prop

    I heard gen shi is generally some really painful stuff gear.
  4. J

    Drinking alcohol on dbol. Thoughts ???

    I did it a few times. Will never again. Last time I went overboard with the alcohol and woke up puking out blood and bile. Felt like I was gonna die and i had a weird pain in my abdomenal area for the following month. Sometimes we forget how serious the stuff we are using truly is... This was...
  5. J

    cool I sent you an email

    cool I sent you an email
  6. J

    Battle of the A's (amongst other ??'s)

    Joints got a bit dry on .5 ED but not with EOD. I started the aromasin at 12.5 eod but quickly had to go up to 25mg ED to stop the gyno. I do still use aromasin but only during post cycle therapy (pct), I find I get less post cycle therapy (pct) acne if I throw that in.
  7. J

    Battle of the A's (amongst other ??'s)

    I've had much better results with adex. I decided to try aromasin on one cycle and I could barely keep gyno under control with that. Adex works great at .5 mg eod.
  8. J

    Curious question about d/Bol an my libido

    get some arimidex. .05mg EOD will do the trick.
  9. J

    My dick!

    My dick definitely gets bigger on cycle. There is more blood flow going there from high test. But then I come off and it goes back to normal and I look at it and think "damn, what the fuck is this" LOL
  10. J

    My HGH experience so far

    Sounds great! How old are you? I'm thinking of getting some but I'm only 25 so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
  11. J

    good news!!

    That's weak bro, u gotta add at least 4 grams of tren and 4 grams of deca to get results. Do it up.