Recent content by KaB_88

  1. K

    My first cycle starting from 1st march.

    Yeah man only 1 compound to start!!! Im starting my first cycle here as soon as I can get my hand on some legit Test. Before I even do anything ill be posting on this site along with some pictures. Keep it simple!!
  2. K

    Meathead Progress Pics 215 5'8''

    Good work!
  3. K

    Arimidex use during PCT after Tbol only cycle to prevent estrogen rebound?

    Do your research bro before even considering running a cycle.. test is the base of running any cycle. You might wanna go get some blood work done honestly.
  4. K

    Pinnacle is Awesome!

    Whats crazy is my buddy told me about them the other day. Told me it was pretty legit gear. Sucks they closed.
  5. K

    Calories when on cutting cycle? Need help

    id aim around 2500-2800 and see. Id start at 2800 and see how much weight you're losing per week before dropping it to 2500 personally.