Recent content by Kegblock

  1. K

    adding ephedrine to pre workout ok?

    There are times during an ECA stack that I feel like I'm going to vomit, so I couldn't workout immediately after consuming both. But if you feel fine, I see no reason why you can't exercise after taking ephedrine/caffeine.
  2. K

    Second cycle/first tren cycle advice?

    I ordered some caber; does taking in .5 mg twice a week (going to take it when I inject hcg) sound good? I've heard taking .5 mg e3d is common, but I figure the scheduling would be stupidly simple if I just took it with HCG.
  3. K

    Second cycle/first tren cycle advice?

    Maybe sticking to something on the simple side like Deca is the route I should go. I was planning on doing a 16 week cycle, and I was only going to tren for the first 12 weeks, is it typical to use deca for the entire duration of a 16 week cycle? Also, I'm guessing the same dosage (400mg/week)...
  4. K

    Second cycle/first tren cycle advice?

    I was going to run .5 mg arimidex eod, pct was going to be standard clomid/nolva for four weeks. Age-25 Height-5'9" Weight-187 lbs 9% bf Training since I was 14 (taken about two years off total since then). Dopamine agonist is something I'm unfamiliar with. I know what the neuro transmitter...
  5. K

    Second cycle/first tren cycle advice?

    My first cycle was just 500 mg of test cypionate a week for 12 weeks. This time I'm thinking about doing... Weeks 1-12 500 mg test e 400 mg tren e Weeks 13-16 500 mg test e 250 iu HCG twice a week throughout the cycle. My main question is, is this too much tren for my first tren cycle...
  6. K

    When is it safe to start cutting after PCT?

    I understand that to keep my gains, over-nutrition is key during PCT. I'm currently on my first week of Nolva/Clomid, and I'm averaging 4,500-5,000 kcal/day. I want to start cutting (as I've been bulking since September), but I also don't want to lose any potential gains due to poor nutrition. I...
  7. K

    Eating/training question during PCT.

    I've read the stickies and they suggest that you don't train more than 45 minutes per day during PCT as training places your body in a catabolic state. My question about this is what if I eat mid-workout? I've preferred to train for two hours a day even when I was natural, and I would like to...
  8. K

    Ordering from overseas!!!!!!

    If you have bought from this supplier before, and have confirmed that his gear was legit, I would say this supplier has earned your trust. That doesn't mean things haven't changed since the last time you ordered though.
  9. K

    Is there any merit to running aromasin along with clomid/nolva for PCT?

    I've been running .5g of arimidex eod on my cycle, I was just originally intending to go the nolva/aromasin route for my pct.
  10. K

    Is there any merit to running aromasin along with clomid/nolva for PCT?

    I was originally going to run just an aromasin/nolva combo for my PCT, but I decided to run clomid/nolva instead. I still have the aromasin, is there any point in taking it along with the clomid/nolva for my PCT?
  11. K

    How much protein is needed in the morning?

    From my understanding, the reasoning behind needing to consume protein in the morning is that your body is placed in a catabolic state due to sleep, and it is in dire need of protein to rebuild muscle tissue. I suppose my first question is, is this correct information? Second, how much protein...
  12. K

    Has my gear been seized? Not sure what's going on

    Sounds like it was a miscommunication at the post office. Packages are typically seized by customs, and they wouldn't seize it just to send it to your local post office. Also if it was seized by customs, they would eventually send you a letter stating it was.
  13. K

    19 years old breaking point going to take steroids need advice

    At 19, you are vastly overrating your training routine and diet if you think you have reached a level where steroids are needed to improve. Steroid use is an educated decision that is to be made after a lot of research and soul searching, not a decision to be made because you are struggling at...
  14. K

    Ideas to add 500 kcal. from fat/protein to diet?

    I was thinking about adding more peanut butter, but it would add to my carbs. Stat wise I'm nothing special, I just have a fast metabolism. Last year I went from 183 lbs-171 lbs in about 6 weeks eating 3,400 calories/day. These 3,400 calories were probably about 60-63% carbs, so I figure if I...
  15. K

    Ideas to add 500 kcal. from fat/protein to diet?

    Good day all, Currently setting up my cutting diet, and it is currently sitting at 2,999 kcal. I'm looking to boost this to the 3500 region, but I'm already maxed out for what I want my carb intake to be (currently sitting at 127.3g from carbs). This is what it's looking like so far... 0630 -...