Recent content by knight1811

  1. K

    My 10 week Beginner cycle. Any Suggestions

    Just curious, PullinBig. What do you recommend for a cycle length in long esters like cyp/enan? 15 weeks? 20 weeks? Knight1811
  2. K

    Holding amp to lighter??

    Danny, do you only have 23 guage or smaller needles? If you have bigger needles then I think you get the picture, draw with a bigger needle(18 gauge or so) and switch to a smaller needle(23/25 gauge) to administer. Knight1811
  3. K

    GH adminstration

    Dude, I don't know if it's me or what but your math simply does not add up. You said you do 5iu twice a day...that equals 10ius a day. And if you are on the 5 day on 2 day off routine then that equals 50iu/week. So where are you coming up with the 35iu/week schedule you say you are one? Just...
  4. K

    Post cycle therapy (pct) after a cycle of testosterone

    Msimo007, Just a quick FYI, since you are thinking about TEST E or CYP, you know that you should wait two weeks AFTER your last injection to start Clomid post cycle therapy (pct), right? Just checking. HCG is a different story...Many variations for post cycle therapy (pct) or "preventative...
  5. K


    Good job SC. Skunky, Usually people try to get below 120/80. Readings like 130/90 is getting borderline and may require attention. Depends on age and shit like that. 140/90 is stage 1 hyperstension. Period. But again, depending on age and shit, the doctor may not do anything but...
  6. K

    Brown Piss!!???

    FYI, Doc told me that browning (dark browning) of piss color denotes possible issues with liver (could be working overtime). If you get a chance get your liver enzyme values checked. And it never hurts to drink more water. DRINK more water. Knight1811
  7. K

    Do thyroid medicines interact with AS?

    100mg of T4 will totally whack you. lol. You mean 100mcgs, right?
  8. K

    Jintropin and T3 COmbo or not?

    When you run T3 at 25 mcgs. Are you splitting the pill so it is 12.5 mcgs for two dosages or are you just using the one 25 mcg pill. Also, what is the longevity of T3? Meaning, how long does it stay in the system after ingestion? thanks, Knight1811
  9. K

    how long is too long for test enan?

    This is true for test and deca and such, however certain roids WILL nicely increase lean mass even on calorie restricted diets. I want to say Primobolan Depot is one of them. Please correct me if I am wrong. Knight1811
  10. K

    What do you think the feds do with all the gear they seize?

    It depends on which agency seized them and the amount too. Ultimately, it gets destoyed. Either the feds themselves will destory it or kick it over to the local law enforcement to destroy. It literally gets placed into a huge furnace type thing that burns it to nothing.
  11. K

    what do you guys do for a living?

    You mean hot college female ass, right? IF not, are the guys in your tanning salon wearing assless chaps or junior size speedos? Knight1811