Recent content by Kodarian

  1. Kodarian

    TRT for mood improvement? High normal levels?

    Thanks Megatron and Halfwit. Good to know about how Free T works in Hypo-gonadal In a pre-TRT context, TT is typically the better indicator of one's T status than FT. FT is released in pulses and has a short half-life, so labs for FT and Bio-T are variable and results can be heavily influenced...
  2. Kodarian

    TRT for mood improvement? High normal levels?

    Hello friends, Bio is below these questions if interested. I want to start TRT and get into the 800-1100 range. What is the best range for mood improvement? Lets say you feel better at 600, will you feel even better at 1100? I am aware that the more frequent the injections, the better the...