Recent content by LG Sciences

  1. LG Sciences

    LG Sciences Anadraulic State GT Featured on Super Human Radio!

    :wiggle: Had a great interview with Carl today about the formulation, development, science, and explosion in popularity on ASGT! Come check it out @ Super Human Radio - The World's First Broadcast Radio Show Dedicated to Human Performance - First Half of Episode #534!
  2. LG Sciences

    LG Sciences PWNZ Professional Powerlifting! - Did you expect anything less?...

    The most powerful and effective performance-enhancing products are developed by LG Sciences, which is why it's no surprise that LG Sciences produces world record breaking athletes. LG Sciences sponsored athlete, Jeff Johnston took 1st Place in the IPA Worlds Men Pro-class 220lb weight division...
  3. LG Sciences

    Anadraulic State GT (ASGT) Pre-workout Performance & Kinetic Amplification System!

    Post has been updated to reflect Orbit Nutrition's updated prices and stock. - SICK deal here, folks! Orbit Nutrition's prices can't be beat on this product!
  4. LG Sciences

    some good liver tabs?

    "Liver tabs" are literally beef liver turned into tablets. They're dessicated and flash-frozen. They contain full spectrum protein, bile, high quality aminos, etc. - Look up Ultra 40's by Beverly Nutrition.
  5. LG Sciences

    some good liver tabs?

    Why the hell is everyone recommending liver support products when he asked for liver tabs? They're totally different products. The only liver tablets I've had trouble with are the Universal brand. Beverly's are top notch.
  6. LG Sciences

    some good liver tabs?

    I believe he's talking about dessicated liver tablets, not liver cleansers. I recommend Beverly Nutrition's Ultra 40's. Best kind you can get.
  7. LG Sciences

    Whats your ethnic background?

    The liver is evil and must be punished. :elephant: :p
  8. LG Sciences

    Save Money! Orbit Nutrition STACKS!

    And now Alpha T2 + Anadraulic State GT! Alpha-T2 & Anadraulic State GT Stack (1 + 1 Units) Manufactured By: Performance Enhancing Supplements
  9. LG Sciences

    Anadraulic State GT (ASGT) Pre-workout Performance & Kinetic Amplification System!

    Not sure why the YT videos aren't working. :dunno: Could a mod help?
  10. LG Sciences

    Anadraulic State GT (ASGT) Pre-workout Performance & Kinetic Amplification System!

    Anadraulic State GT (ASGT) Pre-workout Performance & Kinetic Amplification System! ONLY $19.99 at Orbit Nutrition! “Been there, taken that.” – Or have you? The world of sports supplements has seen its share of pre-workout products. We’ve all seen these so-called performance enhancing...
  11. LG Sciences

    help with test booster supps

    Nutraplanet,, BN, DPS, FitnessFirstUSA, etc.
  12. LG Sciences

    NO Dilemma - Please Help!!

    Don't eat. Take... NO Product + LG Sciences GHenerate + IBE X-Force...GICH! :D
  13. LG Sciences

    Whats your ethnic background?

    Dad: 100% Irish Mom: Irish/British split I'm a proud Irishman from Chicago's southside, but I'm American first and foremost.
  14. LG Sciences

    Is L-Arginine worth the money guys???

    AAKG is a better option for athletes. Do you use any pre-workout products? Most will contain it, although some don't for very good reasons. I take Anadraulic State GT about 30mins prior to training (arginine-free) along with Hemodraulix (AA, BA, AAKG, Sesamin). ASGT is arginine-free for the...