Recent content by Lunkhead

  1. L


    I've run their LR3, Test cyp and cyclo test. Best customer service by far of any lab I've dealt with. Superb quality products and innovative. On the way as I type this: hyaluronic acid (for joints), adenophos, DADA, more LR3 and test cyp plus their oral mest. You won't be disappointed. l
  2. L

    SWALE on some testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) drama...very good info with the drama

    Swale: as a fellow MD who has completed more than 14 years of post graduate "jack booted" training, I'd like to congratulate you for your dedication and integrity. BTW, I'm also a recreational/amateur PL who uses Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (definitely NOT TRT! lol). Your services are...
  3. L

    ORBIT LABS - new Boldenone acetate

    I've used several of their other products including the TnT (test enth 250 mg/ml plus tren enth 100 mg/ml combination) and they've been painless and provided good results. The feedback from other Canadian boards has been almost uniformly good. They also are releasing a boldenone acetate/NPP...
  4. L

    Can Test suspension/GH/IGF be taken IV ?

    I've run nonesterified test as a continuous IV infusion in animals for research. There's no application for humans looking for performance enhancement IMO. l
  5. L

    Oxandrolone could be taken all year round

    SC is right. For practical purposes, do it when you can. The AHA recommends that you take it each morning, half an hour after you get up, drained the main vein and before you have coffee. There are a significant percentage of people who have an am spike in BP. that's when i do it.
  6. L

    Wall Street Journal Article

    it's a bit more complicated than it seems. the steroid injected (probably into the epidural space) was a cortisone derivative, not an anabolic steroid. It was injected for it's anti-inflammatory properties to help with sciatica (nerve root irritation from a prolapsed lumbar disc)...
  7. L

    anavar + swolev2

    honestly-- I'd spend the money on FOOD. l
  8. L

    Oxandrolone could be taken all year round

    I run oxandrolone in my critically ill burn patients at 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/day depending on their nitrogen balance. The drug is continued for 6 months + at this dose. I've never seen a single adverse event attributable to this drug in over 500 cases and these guys are SICK. They have bloodwork...
  9. L

    Canadian's your experience ordering from

    I order from every couple months. the product is the best I've ever used (if you don't mind it being unflavoured). The service is exceptional. The owner is approachable and if you don't like the paypal format, email him and he'll work something out for you. He goes by...
  10. L

    Where's my Vancouver FREAKZ

  11. L

    Heart Attack advice please

    Bro-- please don't take this the wrong way, but to have a acute MI at your age you have been cursed with bad genetics, regardless of your lifestyle. I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I don't think Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (above Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) levels) or...
  12. L

    Question for the Doc's

    any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can cause intrahepatic cholestasis-- the bilirubin molecule (a breakdown product of hemoglobin) doesn't enter and exit the hepatocytes efficiently and therefore back up in the canaculi. At 34 mmol/l and without transamnitis, you'll need close follow up...
  13. L

    Sleep is very important!

    at least the test might act as an anticatabolic agent, so you don't lose the gains you've already made! hang in there, bro.
  14. L

    ****Is there a Doctor???****

    I don't know what your doc is thinking. Unless you have a brain tumour or a cerebral abscess you're not telling us about. Corticosteroids don't help with traumatic brain injury and its benefit in spinal cord injury has recently been disproved. Dexamethasone (decadron) is the most potent...
  15. L

    Info On Cramps and AAS Usage!!!

    The magnesium in "milk of magnesia" is the active ingredient of that laxative. Any magnesium containing oral agent will cause diarrhea unless it's combined with Calcium carbonate or Aluminium carbonate.