Recent content by maatex

  1. maatex

    "STANOZOLOL" - La Pharma

    Have anybody tried this Winstrol (winny) from Italy? 100x10mg per container.
  2. maatex

    D-bol & Cytomel

    Will try.
  3. maatex

    D-bol & Cytomel

    I'm in a second week of: 1-4 dbol 15-20mg/ed 1-9 enan 250mg e5d 7-11 Winstrol (winny) 30mg/ed + t3 12,5-25mcg during the dbol Results? Gained ~4lbs and lost around 1 inch in waist. Everything wil be on low-carv diet. I know that here my doses may be too small for u guys but IMO and many...
  4. maatex

    B&D Products?

    They make pretty good juice. Very popular in Europe. Same thing with Eurochem.
  5. maatex

    cycle info help bro out

    Spoko. Jesli chodzi o deczke to zalezy gdzie mieszkasz. Jak w Polsce to wejdz na stronke SFD kropka PL i w dziale doping bedziesz mial pare osob.. Jesli np. w USA to i tak wejdz i pogadaj z nimi - moze Ci posla.. ale sadzac po dawkach w ostatnim cyklu to w USA, lol. Nie wal tak duzo.
  6. maatex

    What are some good manufacturers of deca?

    Don't know if can paste these urls but.. EuroChem - Decaject 200mg/ml 10ml bottles British Dragon - Decabol 250mg/ml 10ml bottles
  7. maatex

    Is this cycle too weak?

    Well, it depends on how high were doses in your previous cycles. For example here in Poland doses/cycles like below are very popular at the beginnig: 1-4 dbol 20mg/ed 1-9 deca 200mg/e7d 1-10 enan 200mg/e5d With proper diet guys usually get 14-18lbs of pretty good mass during this cycle...
  8. maatex

    Staying on, long

    Man, it was a joke. This is the amount of test that average male body produces per week. And when I said that I'll rise :startrek: the dose sometimes... I ment... |--=====---- Don't forget that even females produces test. ;-)
  9. maatex

    Which one, Karachi Sust, Niles Sustanon (sust) or Omna?

    Here is 100mg/ml polish test enan: But wait!!! It's 140mg/ml!!!
  10. maatex

    Which one, Karachi Sust, Niles Sustanon (sust) or Omna?

    Don't have a clue what the fuck for was that poll. There's no difference that u could notice between those test mixs. But because of place where I come from I must say TYLKO OMKA! (ONLY OMNA!). (a joke)
  11. maatex

    Staying on, long

    I'm on cycle ENTIRE LIFE!!! Test ~75mg/week No PCT's!!! But sometimes I'll rise the dose!!! Heheheeeeee
  12. maatex

    T3 during bulker?

    Exactly. Run 12,5mcg every morning during cycle until u'll see that this dose is not strong enough any more and up the dose to 25mcg. But if I were u I would check again cals(IMO u eat at least 500 cals too much) in the diet and add cardio ~2x week (ur heart will say 'thank you'). IMO it's...
  13. maatex

    cycle info help bro out

    Wal deczke czlowieku. Zmieniaj srodki. Panienka nie powinna byc tym razem tak bardzo zbulwersowana - deczka nie da Ci takiego agresa jak trenik a przy ladnej diecie to wejdzie Ci czysciutka masa. 1-9 deca 1-10 test Dawki sobie dopasuj ale dobrze by bylo jakbys dal ze 100mg wiecej testa niz...
  14. maatex

    New Homebrewing Shit!!!!!!

    Can u show me that post?
  15. maatex

    tren acetate addded at the end of cyckle

    Why not? It's the same thing as with test. Probably u have seen not once 10-12wk enan cycles, where guys put prop in the end. IMO it's even better your dealer hasn't got hexa but acetate. It'll make you even more shredded. You can also think about adding Winstrol (winny) with acetate but it...