Recent content by maged

  1. maged

    Holding water 4 weeks out??!!

    check ur estrogen levels...and ur diet
  2. maged

    best gear out there

    Generic Labs British Dragon Z-Labs Gen-Shi Labs those r the 4 best IMO and ofcourse the human grade
  3. maged

    my frist cycle...

    x2 :beertoast
  4. maged

    first cycle

    Week 1-12 test E 500mg/week Arimidex 0.5mg/every 2 days Week 5-13 HCG 500IU x2/week Week 14-17 Nolvadex 40/20/20/10
  5. maged

    need advice on 1st time

    winstol wont help u burn fats...clen and t3 does...i would recondsider using winstol with ur very high bf%...fix ur diet and use clen and t3...that would be enough
  6. maged

    first cycle

    Week 1-12 Test E 500mg/week Arimidex 0.5mg/every 2 days Week 5-13 HCG 500IU x2/week Week 14-17 Nolvadex 40/20/20/10
  7. maged


    any one heard of z-labs or tried there products? are they good?
  8. maged

    Nolvadex vs. Clomid

  9. maged

    Nolvadex vs. Clomid

    which better in post cycle therapy (pct), clomid or nolvadex? and what r the reason...state researches if possible plz
  10. maged

    Which of these labs are g2g? Thaiger, Biogen, Eagle, Global, BD, Q-Bel, QV, DK, LaPha

    British Dragon the new label is top quality Global Anabolics: if u find the real ones not fakes then u r blessed, they r realy good Thaiger: underdosed LA Pharma: Good quality dont know about the rest, but i know others that r top quality and top notch Generic Labs Euro Pharmacies Z-labs...
  11. maged

    GHRH and GHRP explained..........

    great thread...
  12. maged

    First cycle advice Sustanon (sust) 250 or test e?

    test e is better for a first time user....1 shot/week sustanon must be shot every other day like test propionate... go with test e better for a first and even second cycle
  13. maged

    Who Lives in Bangkok???

    bump....! any one in thailand plz pm urgently
  14. maged

    Who Lives in Bangkok???

    any one here on this board lives in thailand, bangkok plz pm me asap