Recent content by manamle

  1. M

    Insulin only cycle

    well first of all your too young and you dont weigh enough and you havn't trained enough so you can hit the weights for about 15 more years then think about anabolic steroids as an option haha.
  2. M


    what should i do for dossage of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? 10 week cycle sust 500 mg a week
  3. M

    whats the word?

    first cycle im thinking just strait test e or sestaneon 500 a week im 18 i have been lifting hard for about 3 years but i have been lifting since i was 12 im 5 11" i way 178 8% bf i eat 5000 cal 400 portien and 600 complex carb. bench 225 db press 90 i want to take it to the next level i work...