Recent content by ManchesterMc

  1. ManchesterMc

    Equipoise /Test400 the math

    Many thanks very much appreciated cheers also please forgive my ignorance and new nature on here but where do I find the stickys that people keep going on about?
  2. ManchesterMc

    Equipoise /Test400 the math

    Ok so I have now decided to go with these two steroids after research etc I feel this will be the best for me for a good cycle . The question im asking is how do I calculate doseage and obviously front load aswell ? My maths was shite in school and they said u dnt need them again !any advice and...
  3. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Ok iv been reading and about PCT seems the nolvadex keeps cummin out ontop but few queries of when to take it some are saying towards the end of cycle because it reduces gains and others are saying to take it throughout
  4. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Ok iv been reading and about PCT seems the nolvadex keeps cummin out ontop but few queries of when to take it some are saying towards the end of cycle because it reduces gains and others are saying to take it throughout cycle? Any clarification please cheers
  5. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Ah thanks like you hear and see most people doing they just hear the best craze going on and start injecting without any research or advice ie that's why I'm on here it's a lot of thorough information so firstly thanks for taking the time to educate me more . This is why I am here to seek advice...
  6. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Which test you recommend ?iv used 300 but been told400is very thick and oily and a bugger to inject and how many ml of test a week ? Cheers
  7. ManchesterMc

    Amazing eye catching topic,,,,!

    Hopefully I have caught some attention via topic title can anyone help me on my previous thread as you may see I am impatient when it comes to replies ! Excuse my ignorance I am not rude and do have manners cheers!,,
  8. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Lol Joe Donnelly (joke) I'm looking for decent size but still maintain definition I'm not wanting to become the hulk(although that would be awesome ) but I am looking for a good physique and gains.
  9. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Hi yes I am 5foot 8 and between 154lbs and 161lbs I usually maintain this weight consistently .
  10. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Iv done few cycles of Nat 50s two cycles of test 300 6weeks each and recently finished a cycle of whinstrol and anavar bout two months ago which I did two consecutive sessions of strait
  11. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Age 29 height 5'8 and weight 11stone ,I know the aspects of dieting done it excessive due to my years in boxing healthy foods etc and know its a massive part of training,I love exercise so it's not just a trend I'm jumping into I just feel iv reached my maximum natural potential at the moment...
  12. ManchesterMc

    Genuine info needed "without being patronising "

    Hi as you may be aware I am new to this site but not new to the gym.I have been to the gym for many years now and I have dabbled in and out of mild dosages of steroids IE Nat 50s whinstrol anavar test300 and Dbol. Now I am looking to go more intense into the steroid and cleaner way as you can...