Recent content by MarkIV92

  1. M

    Never got sides from cycle... not sure what to do about pct....

    Hey guys, I've been running superdrol (20/30/30/30) and test (500/week) for the last 4 weeks or so and am ending my cycle early (really really really fucking sick) to recuperate but have some concerns I have really thin hair and had pretty damn severe acne, but since I began my cycle my acne...
  2. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    I knew the superdrol ban was coming long before it did, so I (hypothetically) stocked up so I'd always have some. I could run a quality superdrol cycle 3x a year for the foreseeable future. Good thing too, because its the shit... seriously, probably my favorite compound. That being said, why...
  3. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    I for whatever reason am unable to swallow pills. Srs. Can't swallow even the small ones and I"ve tried every trick in the book (and I"ve had people sneak them into food too)... I always crush/open pills and drink them with water. I know a few people who have taken both d bol and superdrol and...
  4. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Well, I guess it has to be working because I just went home for spring break and saw people who hadn't seen me for 3 weeks to a month, and all of them commented on me looking substantially bigger/more defined. Still no sides though, barely any atrophy, no acne, no hair loss, no blood pressure...
  5. M

    Why does everyone hate PH/DS (non traditional AAS)

    Eh, I'm 5'10.5 and 215@ 9%.... Ihave high standards though. . Don't think ill be happy till like 230 at this bf
  6. M

    Why does everyone hate PH/DS (non traditional AAS)

    Because I'm unhappy with the way I look and have been for years of lifting? ^^^
  7. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    I doubt it, its beastdrol not just some small companies clone. Not to mention that @ 30 mg/day, even if it was underdosed and I was getting 20, you'd think I"d have noticed something by now. No acne, blood pressure is beautiful, no huge back pumps, etc
  8. M

    Sides on high test only dose ??

    Just for curiosities sake infection, what do those guys who cruise on 1 gram blast with?
  9. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Yeah. I'm going on vacation over spring break (about 3 weeks from when I finally decided to cycle) and I wanted to look good for vacation + I was looking for some decent strength gains too. I was debating just running oral aas + test + an anti e so I wouldn't be holding water, but From the...
  10. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    I'm loving the strength gains I've been getting recently (Its been 2 weeks of superdrol and not long enough for the test to have kicked in). My old squat 1rm is now my 3rm (450), my old bench 1rm is now my 3rm, and my old dead max I can double now. I've just been disappointed with the physique...
  11. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    I'm just starting things out. I started the beastdrol 3 days before the OP then started test e 2 days later
  12. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Good points. I'm running it with test (but I had to start the beastdrol a few days before I got my test). I just feel like I should be experience ding something that is a real indicator of being on cycle. I haven't had a single side yet and I've been taking 30mgs....
  13. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Hey guys, I still don't think its kicked in. The strength gains are decent, but I have no increased vascularity, my piss isn't bad, I feel great, and I don't look much different despite eating 5k a day + at least 300 g of protein So is drinking it just not working?
  14. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Alright, thanks guys. BTW, is the whole '15 for the last week" a bad idea? I really want to keep any effects I get from superdrol for the duration of my vacation
  15. M

    Drinking my superdrol? Don't really feel it working...

    Please guys, anyone know the answer to this? IDK if the pills make it so the superdrol doesn't get destroyed during ingestion or something