Recent content by Maximuss1

  1. M

    RUI-Products FAQ List

    company has gone completely down the drain R U I is a nightmare, good luck, run by milienials who think you own THEM!
  2. M

    MrSupps FORMA STANZOL Logging Opportunity -- MUST READ!!!

    anyone else having a problem posting on the thread that they were given in a pm. i have been posting here:
  3. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    AS Joz suggested i have bumped it up to 65 per day and increasing a little to find sweet spot, no sides that i have seen so far, I only take one dose on sundays though ( my rest day )
  4. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    16 march BTW can everyone see these jpeg?
  5. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    Hey all sorry for the delay, here is the past five days, sunday was rest. Been swamped but diet had been clean and made the workouts of course :) Started Forma Stanzole for the logging Friday 13 March 15
  6. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    killed squats, and was DONE for the other exercises but stamina is getting up there.
  7. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    was BEAT today, so weights were low in lbs. but got a great pump and just pushed through.
  8. M

    MrSupps FORMA STANZOL Logging Opportunity -- MUST READ!!!

    what is the new link, the one i was sent I was not able to post to, i started logging it posting it on another thread yesterday to get ahead of the game, i hate posting 3-4 days all at once
  9. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    Joz, I think I will, i was just always worried about side, i have personally never experienced them but was worried, i will will start at 60 and work it up and play with it. I need to shed this garbage 4 months of crap i have on me and get back to where I was.
  10. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    Todays work out felt great, my muscle memory is kicking in way faster than i had thought, diet spot on today. all of the weights listed below felt light, i should have gone up, but did slow an contracted to really work the muscle instead.
  11. M

    First full sarm cycle lgd/s4

    I welcome all comments and suggestions