Recent content by Michealleo

  1. M

    8 tips for beginning weight loss dieters

    Thanks for sharing Good info . i always try to drink more and more water for i always eat healthy food more vegetables . cardio exercises are best for lossing weight , cardio exercies like swimming , jogging and cycling are best for lossing some weight .
  2. M

    Is there a difference between getting your calories through food or through milk?

    hi friend every food has it's own nutritonal values and every food has it's own way to work for working on our body . i drink more milkshakes after workout .
  3. M

    Cant get abs.....

    hi Dear friend keep working on abs exerciese and also keep doing cardio exercies because for making abs it will take sometime . I know it's the toughest part for our body that needs some raelly hard work for getting some abs . Best fo luck
  4. M

    need help losing fat

    hi then try to do some cardio exercies like swimming , jogging , runnning and cycling . But the most important thing that exercise will never work for u untill u dont fix your eating habits . best of luck