Recent content by Miklo

  1. M

    My first cycle

    I want mainly weight gains. But I don't wan't to gain weight and then loose it. I need to gain about 10-20 pounds which I won't loose when the cycle is done.
  2. M

    My first cycle

    Yes I could gain ten pounds if i boost my calorie intake. But I wan't to gain muscles and my body have very hard to gain more than 4-8 pound a year of muscles!
  3. M

    My first cycle

    I have eaten creatine and protein for over 2 year now. I just can't gain in weight.. I'am top3 in my weight class in my country. I would really like to gain some weight! I'am gonna try the cycle outlawtas recommended. Thx for the help!
  4. M

    My first cycle

    How did your cycle look like? Iam looking for a good cycle but I don´t seem to find any.
  5. M

    My first cycle

    Hello there! I am 22 years old and have been training for about 3 years now. I compete in power lifting and I don´t have another competition in another 6 months. My weight is about 160 lbls. I would now like you advices for a good cycle! My goal: add about 10-20 pounds of solid muscles! Not...