Recent content by MisterT

  1. M

    Basic TRT Overview

    Good info Megatron --- Would Proviron be as good or better than Arimidex to control E2 when absorbing about 150 mg of T (Androgel) per month when total T seems to stabilize at around 550 at that level? Using more T gel raises my Total T to around 800+ level but does not make my health seam any...
  2. M

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy vs. PSA Levels

    Thanks guys -- now if i can just find a doctor who will listen... Easy to say - hard to find. This place ain't Miami!! Last one hung it up at 61 do to insurance and reporting requirements kicking in these days. Big corps are sucking up all the docs and pushing patient through as fast as they...
  3. M

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy vs. PSA Levels

    Doc' s I have are not smart -- don't test for nothing more than total T. Age 61 now. Had testicle torsion at 13 with one removed. Suspect I have been running on low T for years and it finally really hit at 59 with severe hot flashes all day, poor sleep, no energy, etc. Looking into maybe using...
  4. M

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy vs. PSA Levels

    Don't know if PSA was up do to HRT because it was never checked until a year plis into it.. It was then at 6.9.. 6 months later using less cream it was at 5.0 I am only on 2 pumps of Androgel cream.
  5. M

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy vs. PSA Levels

    Does anyone have experience on what happened to their PSA number when they began TRT. Do creams or injections change PSA numbers more ? How high are peoples PSA numbers when they are taking 100mg or 200 mg weakly for TRT??
  6. M

    Confused on sources?? Hate being a FNG

    Sorry man ... Didn't realize I was talking about or mentioned a source.
  7. M

    Confused on sources?? Hate being a FNG

    Welcome to the club - trying to find a domestic source myself because local doc's are useless and insurance is fighting me a testosterone cream and doc won't give shots (not that once every 4 weeks would do much good) because insurance won't pay him the cost he bears to give a shot- so he says...
  8. M

    DIY TRT vs. Clinics vs. Hunting For a Doctor Who Cares??

    I was about to "cash in the chips" before I was finally told my T was at 150. Doc told me my T was low and said he would give me T if I wanted. SO I said yes and he gave me a 200mg shot to get things working, gave me one pump of Rub On T a day and come back in 6 weeks and recheck. 6 weeks...