Recent content by MrDavid9000

  1. MrDavid9000

    Availability of real Anavar and knowing the difference

    My opinion if you want to keep your girl long term; you have to live this life style together. I’ve been married over ten years, me and my wife we do this life style together, two years ago we committed to taking this very seriously and live as long as possible, healthy and as youthful as...
  2. MrDavid9000

    Permanent shut down Myth or Not?

    Dave Palumbo did an insane amount of gear for ten years straight, he’s quite open about this, he went totally natural and everything came back.
  3. MrDavid9000

    New cycle, Masteron & Var research log (a quest)

    Update: Took a week off from orals, still pushing a long with test and Masteron, things rolling well and growing... my order of wynn and Anavar came in, I tried out both in combination 20mg var, 40mg wyn, holy cow!... crazy strength increase, tried it two days in a row as a pre work out, best...
  4. MrDavid9000

    New cycle, Masteron & Var research log (a quest)

    Update: Thinks are going very well, actually way better then I ever thought. Currently the last two pins have been: 1/2ml of test 350 (2x w) 1ml of Masteron 200 enth (2xw) Total 350 mg test 400 mg Masteron Anavar 20 mg daily Orals as pre work out: 30mg Superdrol, 40 mg dbol, 100mg...
  5. MrDavid9000

    Evaluation of PCT - How do you approach?

    This would make sense, he was 300 plus pounds (I think off season was 330), big dude for sure.
  6. MrDavid9000

    Permanent shut down Myth or Not?

    Interesting thread, I am under the assumption that the human body can heal virtual anything if it’s put in the right healing environment. Whether it’s diabetes, heart disease or cancer and this goes for the endocrine system as well. But people lack the understanding of how to put the human body...
  7. MrDavid9000

    Gyno help needed, big newbie mistakes

    You did a dbol only cycle and it sounds like your very estrogenic sensative. Don’t panic my friend I’m going to help you. What you did is what the old school body builders use to do, back then if you were estrogenic sensative you were basically screwed and couldn’t take it, now we have better...
  8. MrDavid9000

    Evaluation of PCT - How do you approach?

    I think Rich Piana does a video about taking 5000iu EOD for 3 months... pretty crazy, but I guess your right, you can’t OD.
  9. MrDavid9000

    B6 on prolactin any experiences?

    Thanks JP, I suffered from high prolactin way before I ever used any gear, I had teenage gyno, that seemed to go away in my 20’s but still had about 10%, in my 30’s I always had this tube in my left nipple that would swell from time to time then go away, I didn’t know it at the time but that...
  10. MrDavid9000

    Extreme pain in Injection Site

    Chances are it’s because the blend of test your pinning has test prop many people are very sensative to it and causes bad inflammation, when I do test prop and if I pin too much or inject too frequently I feel flu like symptoms (ache, sore, tired) and on the injection site it feels like a horse...
  11. MrDavid9000

    B6 on prolactin any experiences?

    Hello fellow brothers and sisters, I have recently discovered that many people use vitamin b6 to help lower prolactin levels. Anyone else have any personal experiences? I just started using a B6 250mg x 2 twice a day. Any thoughts? Best regards,
  12. MrDavid9000

    Diet advice, anti estrogen and Post cycle therapy (PCT)

    YouTube search some fitness models doing a full body dex scan, this type of scan is to the most accurate, these guys look shredded and would be the envy of any one training, they all had body fat between 14-17%, not one was leaner that 14 and the guy that was 17% looked leaner then the 14%...
  13. MrDavid9000

    estrogen control on test cyp and deca

    This is very interesting!!!.... never heard this before, learn something new everyday!... thanks my brother, this is what we are here for!... cheers,
  14. MrDavid9000

    Cutting after PCT - When?

    Good point, I assumed he was taking a test E cycle, which would stand to reason he’s using an Ai, at half a gram a week I hope he is, but who knows 0.o I have a gym bro that loves to do 800mg of test a week, stacked with tren with no Ai at all, he claims the bloating makes him feel bigger, I...
  15. MrDavid9000

    Cutting after PCT - When?

    This is my experience and my opinion on the cut\bulk ideology. I find it easier to cut and loose no muscle when on gear, thinks like Anavar, tbol, Masteron all help you be in a nutrient deficiency and loose zero to little muscle gains, so why would anyone want to cut natural?... it would stand...