Recent content by muzzy

  1. muzzy

    Understanding blood pressure readings

    good too know my bp has been weird latly, thanks for the info
  2. muzzy

    Steroids and the reproduction process

    A good friend of mine gave his wife a infection from steroids he was on 2500 mg a week of gear(test, dbol, drol, tren). She went to the gyno doc for spoting and after some tests and the doc asking him if he was on a cycle, the doc said his sperm is too strong the cells in her cervix. I think...
  3. muzzy

    Jackpot! What to do?

    I'd give it too him just go get usps tape and make it look like you didnt open it. all's well that ends well...........just get your own gear.
  4. muzzy

    any one tried injectable pgf2 ...

    lmao talk about being the guinea pig
  5. muzzy

    I am having trouble gaining past 175 pounds on my cycle?

    I dont know if im spelling this right but pestheos are my fav..........I know i killed that word :laugh4:
  6. muzzy

    DENIED pro card, banned at WEIDER!!!

    I love this board theres always some post to make you laugh :p
  7. muzzy

    Best D-bol

    Denkall 10mg tabs put about 15 pounds on me in 3 weeks they are the shit. Well the test and eq helped out too but once I started taking them everything went up.
  8. muzzy

    DBol & back pumps

    I did not get any back pumps till the end of week 3. I was also geting huge front delt pumps that would just hurt like hell. I love the dbol but is it worth it to take...........guess it just depends who you are.
  9. muzzy

    Foreign Orders & Remailers

  10. muzzy

    No such thing as roidrage right or is it your personality

    thanks for all the feed back muzzy
  11. muzzy

    should I up the cals?

    When I started my cycle test,eq,and now dbol i was eating 5000 cals e.d., then when i hit week 9 my gains stoped so I bumped up to 6500 cals e.d. and now its week 11 and im 12 pounds heavier. I started at 183 w/ 8% b.f. now Im 212 w/ 9% b.f., Im happy as hell but dont think I can eat much more...
  12. muzzy

    No such thing as roidrage right or is it your personality

    yep and its those small annoyances that are geting me fired up. Its like you have to count to 10 or somthing when you feel like you have a asshole attack coming on.
  13. muzzy

    No such thing as roidrage right or is it your personality

    I agree with you, its a big mental game when your on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you feel stronger, smarter, and alot more cocky at times. I just have read in the past that its in your head but its just hard to belive at times when you fly off the handle and normaly one would just blow...
  14. muzzy

    Pain in the arm!!!

    I know what you meen it is a bitch, both mine are like that to a tee right now. I shot up high and it ran down to the bottom of the delt. I just found that if i only shoot 1/2cc in each delt that its not as bad, but i have ug stuff and its high in ba. Shit a hole cc will criple me for a week...