Recent content by Newbol

  1. N

    Finished cycle now clen and t3???

    Thanks for the advice!!!
  2. N

    Finished cycle now clen and t3???

    I don't remember how much I have but I think I was planning on 80-120mcg's a day. I'm new to AAS, so I don't know how much cardio I should do and still keep my muscle gains.
  3. N

    Finished cycle now clen and t3???

    I just finished a deca and dbol cyle and now I want to lose some of this fat. I am thinking about running a Clen and T3 cycle but there are so many conflicting threads about t3 making you catabolic while not on AAS. If I don't do that, I have enough clen for about 2 weeks. Does anybody know...
  4. N

    Finished first cycle! Question about clomid pct

    I just finished my first cycle and made some really good gains. I took 500 mg of test enethate a week for 8 weeks and stacked 30 mg of dbol for the first 4 weeks of that. I keep reading different ways of taking clomid for pct. I have 30 pills @ 50mg. How should i run these for my pct? I...
  5. N

    Injured wrist during first cycle, what do I do?????

    Thanks guys, I have an appointment at the sportsmed clinic tomorrow.
  6. N

    Injured wrist during first cycle, what do I do?????

    I am 3 weeks into my first cycle of test enethate and dbol but 4 days ago I injured my wrist. I hit a wall with the palm of my hand really hard doing something really stupid and now I think it might be sprained. I have only been able to work my back and legs since then and I don't know what to...
  7. N

    Need HELP with syringes please.

    thanks for the advice, i think ill just order online.
  8. N

    Need HELP with syringes please.

    I am about to start my first cycle of d-bol and test enethate and both walgreens and walmart won't sell me syringes without a prescription. I live in southern illinois and thought that it was legal to but them here. I am thinking about ordering them online but don't want to get busted if that...
  9. N


    a friend of mine liked them befor they were illegal but does not want to do real steroids. Thanks and sorry about breaking the rules with this post. It wont happen again.
  10. N


    Does anyone know where I can buy some andro now that it is banned in the U.S.?
  11. N Bullshit?

    What do you guys think about Is that all just a bullshit ripoff? It sounds way to good to be true.
  12. N

    D-bol cycle

    I have just started a cycle of 25mg/day with weekends off for 8 weeks of Denkall Dianabol. I lift monday through friday and I was told to take the weekends off of d-bol but a friend just told me to take at least one on the weekends to keep it in my system. Any advice please.