Recent content by Noob123

  1. N

    Noob needs some help with a.i protocol and gyno

    Thanks mate. I do know how to treat gyno but i sometimes dout my knowldge which is understandable condering we are playing around with our lives using aas...
  2. N

    Noob needs some help with a.i protocol and gyno

    I seen my doctor and he said there could be a small amout of breast tissue around my nipple... but then i told him what i was using and he freaked out and told me i was going to die and refused to give me any help..
  3. N

    Noob needs some help with a.i protocol and gyno

    Nah man i was running adex during blast and now 20mgs of novadex daily during pct for gyno symtops
  4. N

    Noob needs some help with a.i protocol and gyno

    Yeh i know i dont need pct but straight up still paranoid about gyno so thats why im running 20mgs of nova daily through out trt, my nipple look like they could be gyno but without being sore and they dont have any hard lumps they just feel abit enlarged and flabby. Could this be because of...
  5. N

    Noob needs some help with a.i protocol and gyno

    Hey guys need some help with protocol ect.. 30mgs dbol 500mgs of test e perweek Had abit of gyno from dbol i think not swallon but nipples feel flabby not sore but maybe abit itchy.. i didnt use adex untill i start noticed symptoms so i dosed adex at .5mg eod ran cycle for 10weeks and now im...