Recent content by ObSl3teTest

  1. O

    Sterile or NOT ..

    Cant tell you how pist i am!... Okay. Starting my 5th week of Test. Never used yet 10ml Vail.. I was running it under hot water in my bathroom and i drop it and it goes down my goddamn sink!... i take the bottom of the blumping out and it comes out with dirty water and just shit!! .. Now the...
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    hey guys, How is Research-Ology's stuff.. Looking to pick up Letro and Novla but saw it said flavored and stuff.. Wasent sure it it was real. Do alot of you guys use their stuff?
  3. O

    Some Things to stay away from while on cycle.!

    Okay, You think Letro will work. I was thinking about getting it from . You guys try that flavoed shit or what?
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    Some Things to stay away from while on cycle.!

    What are some important things to stay away from while on to causse as least bloat as possiable. Im on Test C right now and i did this last year but from a different supplier and my face blew up so bad. I looked like a block head, my neck connected to my face lol... Im trying to avoid that this...
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    3rd Cycle. Opinions needed

    So jsut want to make sure.. Im doing Prop 100mg .. with that i should shoot EOD correct? so thats around 400mgper week. thatt should be good
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    3rd Cycle. Opinions needed

    Yeah well thats why i was going to use a Test wit the Superdrol b/c it wont shut me down. I just dont know what would be more helpfull.. The Prop weeks 1-5 or 10-15.. Im stumped
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    3rd Cycle. Opinions needed

    come on someones gotta say sometihng
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    3rd Cycle. Opinions needed

    OKay, on Im going to start my 3rd cycle now which is .. Week 1-10 Test C 250mg. 500mg Per Week. Week 1-5 Superdrol. ( Love to throw that in to kickstart my cycle. Works great for me) And now should i go week 10-15 Test Prop 100mg... Or Maby use that to kickstart my cycle for week 1-5 and go...
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    5 weeks worth it?

    Yeah thats waht im saying . iwas wonddering if the 2 tests will go hand in hand. like 1 right after another. Like aftert the 5th week of cyp is over do do you ttink snice the test is still in my body, will the prop build off of that. hard to expain what im saying.
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    5 weeks worth it?

    Hey do you tihnk i go with a 5 week cycle of prop. and a 5 week of Cyp?... idk if 5 weeks is actually worth it ? never did prop so im not sure? What do you guys think and if i do get it should i go cyp 5 weeks 1st and then Prop for 5 weeks aftrr?
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    Test.Prop & Test.C

    Goals right now are looking to put on about 10-15lbs and Not sure about my B/f right now but i know its pretty low. Im 206lbs im just looking to get around 220 but look a bit more cut up for the summertime. I was also going to run for about 3 weeks or so a little bit of Superdrol i had left to...
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    Test.Prop & Test.C

    Hey, just a few quick questions for you guys... Okay.. Im getting 2 10ml bottles of Test P. Which i figure 4 shots a week, should last me about 5 weeks. I wanted more but he ran out. Also i have a 10ml Vial of Test C. which is 5 weeks. Should i run these 2 together for 5 weeks.. Or Start the P...
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    How long does the " bloat look" last after a cycle?

    I finised up a 10 week cycle of Test E and Deca.. its been over a month now since i finished it .. My face jsut looks like shit!.. my cheeks are kinda chubby and look fatty.. and My boby tho looks fine .. Just wondering how long that look will last.. Also anything to help that? 1 more tihng...
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    Sex Drive and Sex Mind ?

    26 yrs old .. Weight 216 5'11 .. And goals are sright foward .. "Get big or die"
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    Sex Drive and Sex Mind ?

    Okay lets see.. Im on my 7th week of my test/deca cycle .. Im not complaining at all but my sex drive is insane! I only see my girlfriend on the weekends and alls i want to do is everytihng under then sun with her .. its made me kinky and do things i would never do before.. I cant go to sleep...