Recent content by Oz_82

  1. Oz_82

    I pinned for the first time just a few minutes ago.. have a few questions..

    The quads are one of the easiest spots to inject as long as you put most of the needle in and got no blood its all good. If its still on your mind then check out this web site it tells you where to inject I have injected every part of my body at least once just to...
  2. Oz_82

    Changes during roids

    LOL Well lets look at this then yes while taking test at high amounts some say will increase aggression there is no hard proof on that they test this stuff on animals in animal testing it was showen that 80% of the animals tested did show a higher aggression level. That question has troubled...
  3. Oz_82

    Anyone ever inject 3ml in their tri's

    It all depends on what you inject I have tried prop in my tri and could not use the arm for 3 days.... tren was ok test e was smooth the max I have did was 6ml in 2 shoots. Also the trap I enjoy a lot for injections.
  4. Oz_82

    seizure letter

    Ya second that to use a dem source is the best way to go.
  5. Oz_82

    mixing test e and deca

    Just asking but are you going to inject the whole 750 in one go? If so you might get some pain from the injection spot thats a lot for just one shot thas like what 3ml ?
  6. Oz_82

    New member from Edmonton

    hows it going from canada alberta
  7. Oz_82

    Anyone from Canada use rui products??

    I used to order there good.... untill I started to make my own.... even better now
  8. Oz_82

    seizure letter

    um I live in canada and in my city P.O. Box are free but you need ID to open one but dont worry if you get a letter that your stuff was grabbed again just trash it..... lol and try getting from someone else ..... some companys put there stuff in different packages and so on so that it makes it...
  9. Oz_82

    first cycle... should I extend it?

    ya I would go for a little longer because if you just starting to notice it then is at it peak keep it there for a bit then stop I would even go for up to 20 weeks max.... make sure u do a post cycle therapy (pct) get your natural test back or you will loss a lot of what you gain.
  10. Oz_82

    seizure letter

    the name dont matter I can order something in my buddys name and have it shipped to me... the reason they send that letter is because they need proof that you are the one that got it... and about the address I have lots friends P.O. Box grand ma lol then you get them to ship it to you or pick...
  11. Oz_82

    first cycle... should I extend it?

    If its the only thing your taking I would run for another 4 weeks.... its hard to say I have always taken 2 min different types of gear and 12-14 weeks min
  12. Oz_82

    seizure letter

    I got lots of these just chuck it in the trash... if you send it back its just telling that " ya that shit is mine" and then you might be in shit.... also a lot of my suppliers ask to e-mail the ma copy of the letter and they ship my shit out again for free at a new address... But dont respond...
  13. Oz_82

    help needed for major cycle..

    If your looking to cut and get lean gains they maybe doing this kind of cycle Test P EOD 100mg Tren A EOD 100mg Winny ED 50mg Masteron EOD 75mg Arimidex .5 - 1mg ED Now you do this for 12 weeks the only change is masteron you do that until the 6th week stop using masteron and change to Winstrol...
  14. Oz_82

    Changes during roids

    LOL Damn I love it when people say that they get more aggression out of all the guys at my gym no one has ever got aggression.... Thats just your own attitude lol If your a guy thats normaly a dick then with steroid your just a bigger dick.... Now on my first few cycles I have only notice my...
  15. Oz_82

    What juice/gear will NOT give gyno ?

    I would use arimidex while on cycle I always notice a bit of gyno while on cycle but again I am injecting tons of stuff lol as soon as my nipple get a little sore I take 2mg of arimidex and bam gone...