Recent content by PDG

  1. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    Thats not a basic, that is his opinion and it was a good debate.....did u want to chime in or just suck up?? you can find a number of very good books written by very reputable people that suggest more than one compound for a first cycle. good to see he has a lap dog named lucky :flipoffha
  2. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    deca only?? hope you threw something like proviron in there for libido
  3. P

    need help on cycle?

    how about your stats?? ...age weight height, years training, how many cycles have u done?
  4. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    i get what you are saying but disagree....test/deca and test/eq are great newbie cycles, we can sit here and make up 'what if' scenarios till the cows come home.... i can take more than one compound and if im having problems can easily figure out what is causing it.... im taking test/eq my BP...
  5. P

    My first cycle

    I agree with you 150%
  6. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    Being cautious is a good thing. So is being smart and informed. If you are going to do a cycle do it right.... Test only is not a terrible cycle but its a waste for your first make your best gains on your first cycle dont waste it...add an anabolic with the test..... if we do our...
  7. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    just get your diet and training dialed in and you can get to 200lbs naturally no problem..... but yea test e or cyp @ 400mg/pr week and 300 mg of deca or eq pr week.....split the doses up and inject twice a week for more stabl e blood levels..... dont forget pct
  8. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    Test or deca?nononono.... i think u just misread.... test & eq or test & deca..... its always nice to have an androgen/anabolic... always keep the test higher than the deca to avoid 'deca dick' ..... why should your first cycle only consist of one compound??, i strongly disagree with that...
  9. P

    to add test enath??

    I absolutely agree.... ditch the cycle do your homework
  10. P

    need help on cycle?

    what do you have for PCT??
  11. P

    My first cycle

    if you are looking to gain ten pounds u can acheive that naturally by boosting your calorie intake...i doubt your diet is in check why dont u post a sample of your diet. remember the most anabolic substance you can put in your body is can be taking tons of juice and if u arent...
  12. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    you still have a lot of natural potential and can gain and easy 20-30lbs just getting your diet and training up to par. save your cycle for when u have maxed out your natural potential. with that said, if you still are gonna do a cycle, scrap your above plan. go with test/eq or test/deca you...
  13. P

    My First Cycle - Is it right??

    what are your stats- weight, height, bf% and age how long youve been training??? im assuming u want to do a bulking cycle?? i would not suggest running Sustanon (sust) on you first cycle due to the frequent amount of injects to get the most out of it. try something like test/deca test/eq for...