Recent content by PeanutButter

  1. PeanutButter

    My First cycle (intor to the dark side)

    living in a hotel..that would be rough on cycle. But theres a simple a hotplate stove. That way you can through some chicken in a frying pan, boil some noodles and through in the tuna or chicken with some sauce. Scrambled eggs in the A.M. Try to get some veggies in you not just...
  2. PeanutButter

    first cycle.

    Feel you on that I am real tall too. But at 250-260 I think you'd look pretty filled out lol. 280-290 is just monstorous. Keep up the hard work
  3. PeanutButter

    First Cycle test E 500/w

    I agree give it a try
  4. PeanutButter

    first cycle.

    ya i was gonna say...thats a big 8lbs lol. Good job though bro looking jacked. What weight are you tryin to hit
  5. PeanutButter

    First Cycle test E 500/w

    then run prop lol...jk. howcome you arent kickstarting the cycle with dbol. Its of course not necessary just curious. But congrats man glad your liking it so far
  6. PeanutButter

    first cycle.

    that top pic you weight 214? Lets see some pics of you at the 230
  7. PeanutButter

    back pumps

    What are you cycling on right now? might have to reduce the dosage
  8. PeanutButter

    Treating Estrogen Gyno on Deca.

    do you still have a gyno lump just with no pain/ sensitivity? or theres nomore lump at all? if theres a gyno lump yes use letro its the best. if theres no lump and you are running deca you can just use adex
  9. PeanutButter

    Treating Estrogen Gyno on Deca.

    your not supposed to use nolva with deca its a big no no. Use an A.I. such as arimidex
  10. PeanutButter

    Like gold in a bottle!

    I'm the same way..thats why I went in the bathroom and took one on my camera phone haha. but good job bro i wonder what it feels like to be 6'3 260lbs....thats an intimdating mother fucker
  11. PeanutButter

    First test enath cycle

    Ya thats what I forgot to add is I have a very fast metabolism...not too much of mine was fat..really just a little around my stomach but could still see my abs just fine. If you have a slow metabolism and are going to do a bulking then ya keep the bad stuff out for sure.
  12. PeanutButter

    Like gold in a bottle!

    damn nice benchpress #'s
  13. PeanutButter

    First test enath cycle

    And oh ya peanut butter ya baby
  14. PeanutButter

    First test enath cycle

    Ya TAT my back pumps get crippling too its normal. And ya over 30lbs at one point I was up to around 35...That first cycle when your body is virgin to AAS you can get mad gains off of test alone and dbol as a kickstarter. Watch I dont doubt Tattoo hits 195. I ran 30mg dbol first 4 weeks. 14...
  15. PeanutButter

    pain and swelling at injection site

    how do you "cut" it with those things? i'd like to learn this may help me in the future