Recent content by pitbull29

  1. pitbull29

    D-bol at end of cycle

    Youve Got That Right.
  2. pitbull29

    Nutrition For Maximum Muscular Gains

    very good post bro
  3. pitbull29

    Anyone think KK is "gone"? Thing again....

    so is zerxes karachikid or what?i am not saying yes or no either, this is some fucked up shit. very interesting indeed:confused:
  4. pitbull29

    Roll Call.

    home sweet home:cool:
  5. pitbull29

    Controlled Deliveries may be coming for some....

    its nice to know that there are good bros out there like yourself,looking out for all of the other bros.
  6. pitbull29

    Tips For Secruity On The Net. Everyone Should Read!

    great info, learned alot thanks bro