Recent content by prbaflexed

  1. P

    contest guru's, you opinions please

    ok bro's sorry for the confusing post. i think i'm lean enough. so i'm not behind on my diet. i'm sitting at 4.6 % (jackson/polleck method) i've competed 8 times before, natural. the last time being 4 years ago. i don't hold much water ever. i've always gone in flat because i've lost to much...
  2. P

    contest guru's, you opinions please

    hey bro's, i'm sitting at 11 days out from my show. i'm 29 and currently 5'8, 210lbs. i'm getting my last week prep in order and need some opinions. i dropped all test today and i'm running tren-100mg ed winny-75mgs ed proviron-75mg ed femera-2.5 mg eod i will continue this until the show and...
  3. P

    When to take Vitamin B-12?

    i take 1 cc eod
  4. P

    T3/Clen during this cycle ?

    yes, especially if its your 1st time using t-3. if you did a little research you would have known that. not being a smart ass but you really should research clen and t-3 before you use it
  5. P

    High Bilirubine levels?

    doesn't that have to do w/ the health of your liver?
  6. P

    what AS increase endurance?

    i believe equipoise does anything else. epo not a steroid but yes
  7. P

    what is the longest cycle

    if i called it a cycle that would imply that it would end. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. P

    T3 first-time user... Help me out!

    if u read his post you would see that he wrote he was going to taper down the way he tapered up. it looks good except i would taper down slower ending w/ 12.5 mcg for 2 weeks
  9. P

    highest mg of dbol per serving??

    what is the highest mg you can utilize at once? can your body use 25 mgs at once or would that be wasted? i've got 50 mg pills and i'm just taking half before workouts and the other half about 8 hrs later. its hard enough cutting them in half i don't want to divide them into quarters unless...
  10. P


    i've always done it 2-4 weeks at a time once a day after workouts and upon waking on non-workout days i take between 12- 20mcgs at a time. the amount of AS i'm on dictates this. if i'm not taking any and using insulin to bridge i don't need to go higher then about 14 mcg's. in the middle of a...
  11. P

    hcg and b-complex mix?

    anybody else?
  12. P

    hcg and b-complex mix?

    can i use a b-complex that i inject and mix it w/ my hcg powder to my desired strength instead of bact. water??
  13. P

    Meaning of Domestic and International?

    domestic - in the states international - foreign country
  14. P

    tamoxifen powder

    to make 20mg/ml of tamoxifen out of 6 grams of powder could i just mix it w/ 300 ml of something like everclear or vodka, or would i need to dissolve it 1st with ba,bb,etc? if so do i just use enough ba/bb to dissolve it or what? any input on making liquid tamoxifen would be appreciated.
  15. P

    T3 Question....

    if your going to, this is what i'm currently running (1st time doing the 2 together) clen on 2 weeks /off 2 weeks for 12 weeks t-3 (starting the 2nd week on clen) for 6 weeks clen starting w/ 40mcgs bumping it up 20 mcgs a day til at 120mcgs t-3 starting at 30mcgs bumping it up 15 mcgs...