Recent content by Ptolomy

  1. P

    What phone are you using?

    Sort of, it'll be as close as we get. Check out the specs on it, i'm looking forward to getting my hands on it.
  2. P

    What phone are you using?

    Currently BB torch, its meh. In the past two years : Iphone 3gs (meh) Nexus one (favorite), galaxy S (swype is the shit). Next up is the Atrix when it releases in Canada.
  3. P

    freaking canadians lol

    Guh. One of the radio stations here last night had an hour marathon of money for nothing to protest it.
  4. P

    IPhone 4 or IPod Touch 4?

    Personally like the posts above I'd go for an android device. I live in Canada so the selection for me is even more limited. The evo 4g sounds damn nice though, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one. Personally I use the HTC Nexus One... runs stock android and is expecting gingerbread to be...
  5. P

    IPhone 4 or IPod Touch 4?

    The iphone 4 is great if you love paying an excessive amount for an outdated phone. Apple isn't even remotely competitive with phone specs + software. They stay afloat due to apps and a marketing campaign that has half the world brainwashed. (I work for a cellphone company)
  6. P

    how do u take care of body hair???

    Wax, thats the way to go.
  7. P

    Bodybuilders and Powerlifters are not meat heads!!

    B.A. with a double major in English and Philosophy (graduated top of my program)
  8. P

    1 years progress...265-170

    Good job, thats a crap ton of weight to lose. Looking much better.
  9. P

    ufc 112:TERRIBLE

    Yea I loved how White wasn't around to give Silva the belt. Shows how pissed off he was/is.
  10. P

    Easter Weekend..

    Yeah, I def hate how my gym also closes early today. Friday night is the best night to be there...and its ruined for me!
  11. P

    Dbol for first cycle

    Well if you could read, you'd see I've been here nearly as long as everyone posting here, if not longer. Some of us sit back and actually read whats here and try and learn before shooting our mouths.
  12. P

    Dbol for first cycle

    Damn, that is a good one!
  13. P

    Dbol for first cycle

    This is just funny, the dudes either A) trolling or B) lacking so much intelligence that it would be easier to teach a monkey to win Mr. Olympia, than to get him to learn how to actually build 1lb of muscle.
  14. P

    Is it easier for shorter guys to be stronger??

    Again it doesn't matter, with your logic taller guys should be able to become stronger because you have a "better" range of motion. The fact that someones bones may be less long, to me is not a valid argument to say they are stronger. It comes down to muscle and tendon strength. Maybe all...
  15. P

    Is it easier for shorter guys to be stronger??

    I think its bull, if anything you taller guys should be able to pack more mass onto your frames. Shorter dudes are just going to look bigger per lb, there should be no actual strength advantages.