Recent content by PumpZ

  1. P

    Who Has Used UncleZ ?

    I gained 30 lbs. off his Z Line Test E 300 mg.. Ran it twice a week for 12 weeks.. Did not know it was EO though! Shit was smooth and painless! Gets my thumbs UP.
  2. P

    super gyno, nolva letro not helping

    Currently I'm on 2.5mg Letro and 20 mg Nolvadex 4 days in... How long can I expect to see any difference?
  3. P

    Considering a 1st cycle

    Damn, thats alot of ancillaries. Why not just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Arimidex during cycle, if gyno flares up and keep Nolva OR Clomid for pct...Dont need both.
  4. P

    dbol poll

    I will be running Dbol weeks 4-8 of my Test cycle
  5. P

    deca-dbol-test e PLEASE CRITIQUE

    Take the Dbol weeks'll see better results
  6. P

    Aburaihan replied and told me that Test 250 batch: 6012 is fake (mfg and exp inside)

    definately good to know. I have emailed my source and asked if they had any info on the Iranian Test they sell, batch #'s etc.....I would like to give the Aburaihan a shot if its the real deal. If not, I'll most likely stick to a domestic UG. Thx for the heads up
  7. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    For sure man, I am in no rush. I havent been "lean" my whole life, so the changes are starting to show. I may just cut through the fall, and bulk during the winter. We'll see how things go. In other news, I'll be ordering my gear soon. Just to have it on hand. Will also order Nolva and HCG...
  8. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    OK, Test E 500 for 12 weeks...Will have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM on hand, I am 200 lbs. now, cutting down to 185 and prime into my cycle
  9. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    OK, Test E 500 for 12 weeks...Will have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM on hand, I am 200 lbs. now, cutting down to 185 and prime into my cycle
  10. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    Thanks for the input, however I am modifying my stack. Weeks 1-4 Test Prop 100mg EOD Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg/EW Weeks 4-8 Dbol 30 mg/day Weeks 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Will have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Adex on hand in case I need.
  11. P

    I need help

    Hey Bro, you need to cut down. Any idea on your BF? That plays a big role along with diet, training etc. The more BF you are, the more prone you are to gyno, and quite frankly, you will gain more fat than muscle while on AAS. FACT. I'd suggest you "prime" into your first cycle as I have. Good Luck
  12. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    Hovering around 200 lbs. now...Will probably start cycle in 2 months.. Going to take ECA Stack to shed some more fat and lean up.
  13. P

    1st Cycle:Test E & D Bol

    why are you running the test for only 8 weeks?...
  14. P

    My First (Bulking) Cycle Test E/ Turanabol..Suggestions?

    down to 207 lbs. cut is going well, but I still have puffy nipples..I'm gonna try to get my doc to prescribe me an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) of some sort, or just find some to get rid of this gyno. Still searching for sources, I hear some good and some bad things. I would rather go local, but I...