Recent content by Punisher64

  1. Punisher64

    Anyone used Roxi Labs recently??

    Remember you get what you pay for most of the time and this is something you will be injecting into your body. Roxi Labs has alot of mixed reviews but don't base your decision around price. Do some research and decide which lab sounds the best and go from there.
  2. Punisher64

    Possible infection on delt?

    Gonna have to disagree here. Never tell your doc you are on aas or that you injected it unless you are on TRT.
  3. Punisher64

    Pinning Question!! Cause for concern?? Advice please!!

    Agreed. Quads are my favorite place to inject.
  4. Punisher64

    Good hook up for Hygetropin and Jintropin contact

    If you're gonna be a retard and make a post like this at least don't show a picture of expired products!!!!!!!
  5. Punisher64

    Test Prop and Tbol good for first cycle?

    Dont use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during PCT. Drop the Arimidex during PCT.
  6. Punisher64

    Changing ester ?................................................. ....................

    Test is Test is Test. The ester only changes the release rate of the test. Test-P is the same as Test-E it just releases faster and requires more frequent injections.
  7. Punisher64

    My cycle (TEST E, Anadrol, EQ)

    You might want to run your test a week or two after you discontinue your EQ to give it time to clear your system before you do post cycle therapy (pct). If I remember correctly EQ stays in your body longer and you should give it a little more time to clear.
  8. Punisher64

    Did my first pin today! Feeling pretty damn good!

    Quads are by far my favorite injection site.
  9. Punisher64

    Question on a UGL and recent quality

    Ya I was hoping someone would chime in that has used them or is using them so I can ask them. I don't know if I'm on the crazy side like you
  10. Punisher64

    Question on a UGL and recent quality

    My friend and I ran our first cycles at the start of the year. I ran Pinn Test-E and he ran Roxi Labs Test-E. We both had good results and bloodwork confirmed that both UGL's had good gear. He recently ordered some Test/EQ blend from Roxi and was going to do that later in the year. Since...
  11. Punisher64

    The Extreme Vascularity of Dylan Gemelli... NEW PICS...

    Man hats off to you for your dedication to diet and training. Thats no easy task and I would be the first to admit you have way more will power than me. You look jacked!
  12. Punisher64

    Testosterone propionate only cycle - layout and advice.

    I'm inclined to agree here. At 21 your test levels are still peaking and you should have more than enough natty test and a solid diet will bulk you up. You are an adult however and will do whatever you set your mind too. Only thing I would do different is stick to 50/50/50/50 on the clomid vs...