Recent content by qwertazx

  1. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Haha, then it must have been something that always works no matter whats the problem, placebo. also a little bit offtopic I started taking Propranolol( started taking it cause of anxiety and being able to take every situation to the new level of awkwardness and :redhot:achieve redder color than...
  2. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Thanks man, I prolly need to get a blood test first. Since it is recommended to get ultra sensitive assay and the nurse had no idea what I was talking about:wallbash:, their site says ESTRADIOL (ECLIA) will this do
  3. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Okay I know I'm starting to get annoying, but i just read all this threads of people getting estrogen rebound after pct(SERMs),others saying that you need to take an AI to combat the circulating e2. Is this bullshit? Where are they getting this wrong? Is it cause they are unaware of the half...
  4. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Stupid question but does that mean if i take tamoxifen with normal level of e2 after i stop taking it I could get real gyno cause of the elevated e2? or it wont be anything significant to make a difference?
  5. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Those pics are 3 days old and I know my bf is high, I havent trained for a year and eating crap all the time while sitting my ass 24/7. And gym is the last thing that came to mind when u get constant pain/tightness/numbness, literally i couldn't sleep/sit/lie/stand, it killed me mentally...
  6. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    I cant train right now i said that in the end of my post, I damaged my brachial plexus,my arm was getting tight,numb,sharp pain, waking up and not being able to move my fingers,couldn't hold paper, I would drop it after 5 min,touch was different, I psyched out thinking I lost my arm, than on top...
  7. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    But will nolva help with my condition? Do i have to worry about something getting shut down/damaged?And since nolva is SERM i guess if i do blood test it wont show any change in e2 cause test still gets converted to estro right?
  8. Q

    nipples changing randomly throughout the day

    Hello everyone I am 20 y old, bout to hit 21 soon I haven't took anything in the past. Nipples get puffy randomly(mostly at night) sometimes one gets puffier than the other and they seem to be outta control.They are not sensitive, just puffy.I've been trying not to eat dairy for the last month...
  9. Q

    Do Steroids Stunt Growth?

    i bought protein powder 2 week ago and my dad is like but they may put steroids cause its gonna give u results and u gonna come back to buy more.I said thats bs, but than one article sparked in my head the one about those 7 supplements on which were banned.Another question: if some1 have...
  10. Q

    Do Steroids Stunt Growth?

    this might be stupid question but,if somehow some company put steroids in their protein powder would that be enough to raise the estrogen levels too high and stunt growth