Recent content by Roland deschain

  1. R

    Osta RX Avaliable at Elite Muscles

    Just tried to go there... It's actually $55.99! Anybody have a coupon code?
  2. R

    My OSTA Log: I've never used anything before

    Damn, nice deads! I dont know, but 20lbs and 2 more reps seem like a bit much for placebo- maybe the osta giving you a boost already? Either way great work and solid log you got going here... In for the results.
  3. R

    MK-2866 Ostarine

    Ive seen people use osta during caloric deficits and surplus's- it seems to work well in either scenario as type you gains you experience, while exaggerated, are highly dictated by your diet and training.
  4. R

    Holy shit Osta!!!!

    Sounds like a good idea- start with a low dose and you can always work your way up if needed. Are you logging this?
  5. R

    any inputs on Uniquemicals

    You should log that, for sure. I know I'd be interested. You said you were gonna use unique, but you didn't mention which sarm you were planning to use- osta I assume? Either way keep us posted.
  6. R

    Uniquemicals S4 or Ostarine for a Bulk??

    So just some minor issues when changing from light to dark- no yellowing? Sounds like it's going pretty well. Interesting feedback for sure.
  7. R

    Holy shit Osta!!!!

    Nice! Yeah, ya know I think people are to quick to up the dose with osta. I really think 10-15mg can be the sweet spot for most people, particularly if you got everything else dialed in. Some great info in here-Well done Colbert!
  8. R

    Holy shit Osta!!!!

    Nice! Yeah, ya know I think people are to quick to up the dose with osta. I really think 10-15mg can be the sweet spot for most people
  9. R

    MK-2866 Ostarine

    All three of those places have quite a few good reviews... I know there's a few guys on here who have had great results with unique, which is what I have on hand and will be using in the near future. 50mg is definitely a high dose, and probably not necessary. I'd say start at 10-15mg and go from...
  10. R

    Ostarine: Liquid vs Tablets

    Yeah, I'd say stick with something trusted, like board sponsor uniqemicals... Tabs sound convenient, but there must be a reason no one else is makIng them.
  11. R

    My Sarms4 and Ostarine Cycle

    Wow! This excellent news! No flags on any of your bloodwork, huh? That's very encouraging.... Thank you for the update, and an informative log on sarms from uniquemicals. cheers!
  12. R

    Uniquemicals S4 or Ostarine for a Bulk??

    Wow! This is some great feedback... Please keep us posted on your progress. Anyone have any ideas as to a MOA for said reduction in joint pain? Guesses?
  13. R

    Sarms healing joint problems?

    Please do! This whole idea of sarms having a positive effect on connective tissues is extremely intriguing. I've got a bottle of uniqem osta, just sitting here, taunting my sore shoulder, lol.
  14. R

    osta sarms and sarm s4 stack

    Yeah, that sounds like it would be a nice addition to your sarms stack.