Recent content by RRAdam

  1. R

    CM Lab fake???????

    Underground, yes. Fake, no. I have been using CM exclusively for quite some time now. Great products - used everything from the prop, enan, eq, var, cialis, nolva, tren and probably others i forgot to mention. Cant go wrong.
  2. R

    Oral Tren

    No, tren ace is tren ace. you can take it orally but it kills the effectiveness by like 90%
  3. R

    Masteron and hair loss?

    yup, its DHT - so its definitely a shedder.
  4. R

    femra or armidex

    yea, especially if you are running it with masteron - but like was said, id still have it on hand.
  5. R

    WU v e-gold: Sending money from US to China

    nothin wrong with egold - its a bit easier to WU with straight cash - but if you can do a MO or bank wire to an egold funder, it kills the fees compared to WU.
  6. R

    switching letro <--> liquidex on cycle?

    nah, you're fine. letro is a bit stronger though.
  7. R

    t3- is this stuff supposed to be strong?

    you're coldest when you wake up... 20 bpm faster seems like a bit anyway, t3 doesnt give me many sides either. notice any weightloss yet?
  8. R

    Help w/ what to buy.

    you can actually get a good deal out of a GNC guy if you try. and if you have a gnc card, you can be good to go - if you are buying bulk though (like allllll your supps, flax to vit c to bcaa or whatver you use. its best to go online)
  9. R

    Does testosteron shots make your penis grow

    intersting fact - upon research, i accidentally found that a large amount of eunuchs said that testosterone made them grow a significant amount. i guess that irrelevant here...
  10. R


    t3 is anabolic up to a point, it aids in protein synthesis, but only up to a point, then its catabolic.
  11. R


    when im on dnp - its dnp only cycle... i dont wanna do shit - but its a lb a day. i mean, its not as bad as it may seem, be smart about it - its mickey mouse... but thats the key, be responsible
  12. R

    superdrol, second thoughts

    sounds good
  13. R

    Why do i get acne on prop and not cypionate?

    yep, thats what i thought as well.
  14. R

    who splits their t3 dosage?

    The only thing I could think of is that t4 has a longer half life, as it circulates, then is metabolized to t3 in the body. t3 has a shorter half life. That being said - i split my doses... i want to maximize my metabolisim, not simulate my thyroids actual production.
  15. R

    halodrol and superdrol questions

    ok, ok... most of the time, they are inefficient... anavar is probably the only cycle i would try solo. otherwise, the cost:benefit ratio just doesnt work out for me.