Recent content by Saladfingers

  1. Saladfingers

    A big thanks to Chip!!

    I recently sent an email to Chip thanking him for looking into my problem, and helping me out when noone else would. ** ** I have news, and this time it's all good! I've been following the program since 1/27/11 and everything is going great so...
  2. Saladfingers

    Work out diet for vegeterians

    I'm still new to working out, and building muscle in general... But I figured I'd chime in here and say that I'm a vegitarian as well. (lacto/ovo) Nice to see a few of us kicking around in here. Also good informative post to the OP!
  3. Saladfingers

    just saying hey

    Not from canada, but visited a few times. Montreal, Quebec city, Niagara. It's a nice place!
  4. Saladfingers

    A few good cartoons.

    Check out this sites for some twisted humor. Very disturbing...
  5. Saladfingers

    Monster rain
  6. Saladfingers

    Monster rain

    He's pretty funny. I like Jim Gaffigan's standup myself.
  7. Saladfingers

    Online testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinics

    reply I can't reply to any PM's, not enough posts. For anyone replying to my post my email is ( [PGHRam, I couldn't reply to you] Thanks
  8. Saladfingers

    Online testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinics

    Help ythrashin could you send me the info as well?