Recent content by ScottyB28

  1. ScottyB28

    Shampoo for hair that's falling out

    I'm prescribed 200mg weekly. Not sure what my levels are, I'm pretty sure over 1000.
  2. ScottyB28

    Shampoo for hair that's falling out

    Hmmm that's weird. I just googled that google shampoo and couldn't find it.
  3. ScottyB28

    Shampoo for hair that's falling out

    I been on trt for about 2 years now and my hair is starting to get real thin. I notice that it's falling out pretty bad. Is there a shampoo that can help this, or anything else?
  4. ScottyB28

    Blood in semen every now and then

    Yeah I have an appointment soon, I'll tell him. I just googled it, most of the time it's nothing to worry about.
  5. ScottyB28

    Blood in semen every now and then

    I been on HRT for probably a little over a year now and every once in a while I'll notice some blood in my semen. The most recent time is was pretty bad. Can hrt be causing this? My balls are pretty much shriveled up to nothing.
  6. ScottyB28

    Smashed hcg

    No not at all, you can start when you get home.
  7. ScottyB28

    Anyone Run 2 orals at once ?

    I wouldn't do it, but that's just me.
  8. ScottyB28

    HCG Injection

    subq in the belly next to your belly button
  9. ScottyB28

    Lab vs lab...... Pinnacle vs body synthetic?? Please I need help

    Pinnacle is good, never heard of body synthetic.
  10. ScottyB28

    Reputation Being Given

    I need some good rep :dance2:
  11. ScottyB28

    Alcohol and cycles

    I might have a few light beers on the weekend, nothing extreme. I am from Louisiana though, all we do down here is drink, eat and watch LSU sports. LOL
  12. ScottyB28

    help needed!!

    Do your post cycle therapy (pct) as normal.
  13. ScottyB28

    Scared of PCT

    What were your sides on the var?