Recent content by shallprosper

  1. S

    Caballo Labs?

    i have a caballo labs how did it tun out brandtklan
  2. S

    DBOL Before and After (5 Months) Pics

    Thanks jareb01 i worked through it and kept the pins going..
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    DBOL Before and After (5 Months) Pics

    Just a couple questions i just started a sus 250/ dbol cycle after a long time reading these forums.. My current dosage is 10 weeks sus 250 1cc wednesday and Saturday and week 1-4 dbol 40 mg ED. Im 24 165 roughly 7-10% bf and havr been training 5 to 6 days a week for the last year. In the last...
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    Sickness after one shot of test E (please help!)

    If you get test flu should you continue with the regular schedule even tho your not feeling so well