Recent content by ShnouzedUp

  1. S

    The Hard Gainers Cycle

    dude that diet sucks. you do not need that much freakin milk good lord. get 7-8 small meals a day. keep your cals around 4K also 3 weeks of tren, why? get more and run it weeks 6-14, run ur test longer than ur tren.
  2. S

    Tren/EQ/Masteron Cycle

    throw in some prop and run it 2 weeks longer than all the rest.
  3. S

    EQL pics

    damn i haven't seen EQL in over a year.. i ran that stuff my first cycle Test E and Winstrol (winny) and it was killler stuff. i can't find it anymore though. My bottles looked a lil different. they were more professional lookin. they said "For Human Use" on it, and the test came in a 10ml and...
  4. S

    BD andropen275

    yea ur gonna love that shit....
  5. S

    dbol dosing scheme

    yea, id bump the dbol to 30-40mg ed though