Recent content by Shredbruh

  1. S

    What to run after T3 and Clen

    Running prohormones yes male
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    What to run after T3 and Clen

    I'm running clen 100mcg for 2 weeks and T3 for 4 weeks. During those two weeks I'm not using clen and when I stop using the t3 what should I be using to not get rebound weight gain. ECA or T4? Thanks
  3. S

    How do you use T3 properly with Clen ??

    Super Catabolic even with AAS ?
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    How do you use T3 properly with Clen ??

    I have used clen at 100mcg. I have no experience with T3 from what I've read you need to taper the dosages up and down. Is this necessary? Was looking to use the clen 2 weeks on 2 off. My question is I have 4 weeks left in my steroid cycle how should I play this out.